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Nanning City Town Automatic Silk Reeling Production Line Project Benefit Evaluation And Risk Management Research

Posted on:2013-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2251330401486156Subject:Materials engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Based on the proposed Nanning City Town automatic silk reeling production line project as an example, through access to relevant literature, comparative analysis, inductive method, the combination of domestic and foreign silk industry development’s present situation and development trend and the actual project, using the knowledge of project management, the construction enterprise’s benefit, risk of silk reeling and so on analysis, put forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions as a reference, so that the project can achieve better economic and social benefits.This paper is composed by six chapters, the first chapter introduces the research background, purpose and significance, research methods and main content; second chapter mainly elaborates the domestic and foreign development of cocoon and silk industry situation and development prospect of; third chapter of Nanning City Town automatic silk reeling production line project introduction; fourth chapter is in Nanning City Town automatic silk reeling production line project of the economic and social benefit analysis; fifth chapter is in Nanning City Town automatic silk reeling production line project risk analysis; the sixth chapter is the summary of conclusions.Through in-depth research and analysis, the main conclusions of this paper are:the construction of the project in line with the trend of economic development and China’s industrial development planning, which has good economic and social benefits, project risk is small and at the same time, this paper also controlled; to improve project efficiency, reduce or avoid market risk, environment and puts forward some suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Silk reeling production line project, Benefit evaluation, Risk management
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