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The Evaluation And Research Of Zhaozhou Zhaozhou County Town Of Geothermal Resources In Heilongjiang Province

Posted on:2014-05-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2250330425964875Subject:Geological Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Through the investigation of the geothermal resources in Zhaozhou County town ofZhaozhou and the collection of relevant information, to the area of geothermalresources distribution and geothermal resources is evaluated and research, at the sametime, quality of the geothermal fluid is evaluated relative should, provide strong evidence for thefuture development and utilization of geothermal geology institute.By construction, heat1well in combination with exploration well learned, the area ofgeothermal reservoir mainly distributes five section, four section in Nenjiang. Singlemaxi-mum thickness is7.4M, the minimum thickness of the0.9m layer. Heat storage from theupper to the lower1000m600m depth (depth).The Zhaozhou geothermal field is a sedimentary basin geothermal resources, distri-butedwidely, as the heat reservoir distribution of infinite boundary conditions. Using heatstorage method, calculation and evaluation of geothermal resources storage quantitymethod. Calculation of geothermal resources of natural reserves in accordance withtheheat storage method (QR) is1.5×1017J, recovery rate calculated according to the10%,but the exploitation of heat (Qwh) to1.5×1016J, converted into standard coal quantityis5.12×105t. The analytical model according to the mining100years, calculating therecoverable reserves of1.15265×107m3, daily water reserves can be mined for315.8m3/d. In accordance with the storage method to calculate the volume of geothermal fluidstorage capacity of1.86×108m3, elastic storage capacity of1.97×107m3, the total storagecapacity of2.06×108m3.According to the quality evaluation results from geothermal fluids, water quality,which can be used as medical hot mineral water, agricultural irrigation water (few), fisherywater,boiler water (after treatment); from the temperature, can be used for agricultural irrigation, aquaculture, soil heating. Not as a geothermal heating exploitation ofgeothermalresources in this area from the water, because the medical bath and less waterconsumption, the geothermal water can be medical bath development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Geothermal resources, evaluation, Zhaozhou town
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