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The Development Strategy Research For Dingxige Leisure Guildhall

Posted on:2014-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X D LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330398985166Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With China’s rapid economic development, China’s economic strength graduallyincreased, to achieve intensive economic development, improve the economicstructure, countries gradually adjust the industrial structure, vigorously develop thetertiary industry, especially in the service industry. Leisure and entertainment industryis a major component of China’s service industry, not to promote social employment,but also can provide a variety of services for the society. Enterprise developmentstrategy of Changchun City Ding Xi Ge recreation hall, tries to analyze thedevelopment of leisure industry in China, and the benign development strategy forsmall and medium-sized enterprise services, provide important reference value for thedevelopment of the service industry.Firstly, theory of development strategy of leisure industry are reviewed,including the related theories, the leisure industry enterprise development strategytheory. Next to the enterprise development strategy theory are analyzed, includingSWOT theory, five gap model theory, laid the theoretical foundation for the analysisof the status quo. Third, the SWOT analysis of the status quo of Ding Xi Ge Ding XiGe, analyses the development of politics, economy, culture and environment bymeans of SWOT, and analyzes the industry present situation, competitor status,summarizes the Ding Xi Ge development of the advantages, disadvantages,opportunities. Fourth, has carried on the detailed development strategies of ding-heePavilion, including strategic goals, strategic focus, strategic stages determined, andmade the difference, enterprise service expansion of product diversification, talentsand promoting the specialization strategy.Through strategic research on Ding Xi Ge recreation center, summarizes theproblems in its development process, and according to the current situation of China’seconomic development and the future of the country industry development policy,provides the strategy feasible countermeasure development of hee Ting court.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ding Xi Ge, Leisure Industry, Development strategy, SWOT Mode
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