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An Empirical Research Of The Xiaogou’ Mode

Posted on:2014-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330398969230Subject:Sociology of Ethnicity
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Have fewer children and prosper quicker" project is a project that carried out by the country to implement the harmonious sustainable development of the population, economy and environment in the western area. Each province and autonomous region respectively deepened the "have fewer children and prosper quicker"project again according to the practical experience of the program. Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is the earliest selected unit.of the project. So in the implementation process of the project, Yuanzhou district of Yuan province changed the implementation mode of familly advancement into the model of whole village advancement through carrying out activities to develop model households and demonstration villages, and also carried out the experimental unit in Xiaogou village of Pengjia town,which created the XiaoGou’ Mode.This essay takes Xiaogou village which is the cradleland of XiaoGou’ Mode as investigation making analysis and summary of vast fields investigation information,to discourse the implementation process and existing problem of Xiaogou village’s "have fewer children and prosper quicker" project and anti-poverty project.. Meanwhile, this eaasy makes a compare between the XiaoGou’ Mode and the reality in Xiaogou village, reaches a conclusion that the practical experience of anti-poverty in Xiaogou cvillage is not enough to support the conclusion of XiaoGou’Mode. On this basis, the eassy makes a summary of Xiaogou village’s experience on anti-poverty and table some proposals to help smoothly popularize the XiaoGou’Mode.
Keywords/Search Tags:The XiaoGou’ Mode, "Have fewer children and prosper quicker" Project, The Modelof Whole Village Advancement, The Hui Nationality
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