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Research On Traffic Problems In Wuhai District Of Haibowan City

Posted on:2014-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X P LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330398488312Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid development ofnational economic construction and social undertakings, human, vehicle,road contradiction has become many large and medium-sized city shouldbe solved the problem. Wuhai as the city also has the same problem. Tobuild the city more than thirty years, the city road traffic construction hasbegun to take shape, but with the surge in population, the vehicle does notadapt, especially the city hall is located in Haibowan city road congestionproblems have become increasingly prominent, the situation is veryserious, the social from all walks of life of this great views, resolve thecontradiction of human, vehicle, road is the important issue and a periodin the future, we should pay more attention to our traffic managers anddecision makers. Based on the investigation and study in-depth, tries tocombine the Haibowan people, car, road traffic situation on the people,car, road contradiction and the causes and solutions on some limitedoutlook, in order to get the effect of.On the urban road traffic management planning purposes, I think thesolution is provided in the pipe, when the tube, pipe, tube how and whatis the key. Through the planning, people can learn management after theimplementation of the results, so as to avoid the inappropriatemanagement and cause significant loss policy imbalance and economy.For example: urban road traffic status, the status analysis and problem ofjudgment, urban traffic needs through the analysis of traffic demandpattern completion and estimate, urban traffic management establishmentetc..The current urban traffic is entering a new era of information, theimportant symbol of urban modernization level gauge is composed ofroad construction, passenger and freight transport and traffic fast, convenient and comfortable, efficient urban transport system. Raising thelevel of modernization, urban traffic development is the trend, is the onlyway which must be passed of modernization. However, with the rapiddevelopment of our national economy and urban process, how to solvethe urban traffic problem has been an important issue of urban sustainabledevelopment, urban road traffic management work is faced with greatchallenges. In order to ensure that urban traffic is reasonable, correct andeffective development, to the interaction between urban transport systemfrom the internal system and external environment condition of trafficmanagement planning reasonable.With the development of city traffic and city, and the evolution withthe progress of society, with a high degree of complexity. Research in thefield of traffic engineering, city planning, systems engineering,environmental engineering, information and control engineering,behavioral science, management science and other subjects belong to thecity traffic. In the theory of traffic flow, traffic demand forecast, trafficplanning and traffic management, environmental science, traffic safety,traffic simulation, intelligent traffic system, since the nineteen fifties, theworld scholars have made a lot of theory and application. However, mostof the studies stay in alleviating traffic congestion in the city in the"symptoms" level, results to solve traffic problems in the city still haslimitations and great passivity, reason lies in the lack of profoundunderstanding of city traffic dynamic balance mechanism, the lack ofdeep analysis from city traffic congestion reasons. To establish thecoupling of traffic supply and traffic demand and to control the activetraffic supply and demand balance theory system, mode of developmentin our city traffic system will have an important impact, and can realizethe planning, construction and management of our country city trafficsystem from passive adaptation to the fundamental change of the activecontrol. China urban public transport, study result diversification, involving awide range, its theory and practice from the angle of the macroscopicstudy of Chinese bus priority development strategy of construction,combined with the technical measures of public traffic regulations and thedevelopment of public transport policy, discusses the measures for theimplementation of bus priority; to study the measures for theimplementation of China’s public transportation development presentsituation analysis and foreign city to give priority to the development ofpublic transport as the basis, discusses the development direction, city buspriority effect and measures; implement priority status bus according toother urban areas, the public transport priority development approach ofimplementation. In general, the study of traffic construction strategy ismainly the comparative analysis, less use of quantitative model analysis.Wuhai city Haibowan District of the city traffic as a system, thedynamic balance theory as the guide, combined with the city planningtheory, in-depth study of disadvantages of Haibowan District in citytraffic. In view of the problems, and put forward the countermeasures. Asthe carrier of subsystem, the transportation subsystem, managementsubsystem and the countermeasures against the people.The main research methods: variable control, questionnaires, fieldvisits, geographic information technology, electronic data collection,monitoring traffic flow method.With the rapid development of Wuhai city Haibowan districttransportation construction and the social economy, the rapiddevelopment of automobile industry, car ownership is rising, and the cityroad capacity tends to saturation, city traffic management is poor,resulting in the emergence of a problem in the construction of city traffic:traffic congestion. So we have to face the congestion.The construction of social economy in Haibowan area is in a periodof rapid development, the city road traffic problems in Haibowan area isalso increasing, cause traffic problems are many levels, and the population, owned vehicles, residents of the humanities and the conceptof value, public transport facilities are not perfect and many other factors.The rapid development of the city traffic to Haibowan District, forevery one of US residents in Haibowan District of emancipating the mind,close to the actual, innovation, new problems faced with new ideas tocope with modern city traffic, according to the characteristics of trafficdemand and, specifically, due to traffic countermeasures according to thedifferent.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wuhai City, Haibowan District, city traffic, problems, countermeasures
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