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The Research About Material Object Compensation Of Land Acquisition In Beijing

Posted on:2014-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Z ZouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330398485162Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Land reserve which is an innovation system about land management wasfounded in the background of our state-owned enterprises reforming, land marketdeveloping and land use system reforming. Its purpose is regulating the land market,activating the stock land and improving the government’s macro-control ability inland market. After many years’ exploring and practicing, it has been achieving greatprogress, and it makes a great contribution to accelerate the progress of urbanization,develops our society and economy, and improves the unban management. Withpromulgating the policy”Land Reserve Management” which is made by the ministryof land and resources, the ministry of finance and the people’s bank of china, itintroduces many details about land reserving, including plans, acquisition,development, using, the scope and procedures of land reserve, and supplying. It notonly makes the operation of our country’s land reserve be doing standardized andsystematization gradually, but also promotes the continuous development andimprovement of land reserve.After10years development of land reserve in Beijing, it plays an important rolein urban planning, economic development, enhance the regulatory capacity of the landmarket, and promote the integration of urban and rural areas. However, it also hasspecific operation problems, such as the total amount is large, capital risk, fast-risingcosts, long project cycle, which in large part because of the difficulty and slowprogress of land acquisition and resettlement. To successfully promote land reserve, tospeed up the progress of land acquisition and safeguard the interests of landlessfarmers to ensure that the level of landless farmers without reducing the long-termlivelihood security, this paper has a comparative analysis of other provinces and citiesland acquisition and material object compensation mode and standards,and starts fromthe implementation of the reserve situation of Beijing, analyzes the Beijing landreserve land acquisition and material object compensation status and existingproblems, the retained land, industrial space policy.from the point of view of the landdepartment, it put forward some suggestions on the retained land, the nature of theindustrial space ownership, approval procedures, acquisition costs, industry positionand follow-up management recommendations. The article also combined land reserveproject in Beijing Haidian District, bajia project on land acquisition compensation inmaterial object compensation..It uses the theory with the literature research method,the comparative analysismethod, practice method,combining the writing narrative and chart illustrates methodand case method of analysis in the paper. With the implementation project case ofland reserving in Beijing, it makes an objective and comprehensive analysis to thestatus, problems of material object compensation in land acquisition and land reservein Beijing,and put forward some practice suggestions in material object compensationin land acquisition.It has some reference value to successfully promote material objectcompensation in land acquisition of land reserving,it has the certain reference valueto the research of land reserve in Beijing.
Keywords/Search Tags:land reserve, land acquisition, material object compensation, Beijing
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