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A Study Of Project Schedule Control Of The HIMS Development Of SGIS

Posted on:2013-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330395975196Subject:Industrial Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the age of increasingly competitive, for iron and steel enterprises, whether it is theimplementation of strategic goals or training and cultivation of competitive advantages,information system building is the essential foundation. On the premise of getting rid of thedrawbacks of state-owned steel enterprise system, it’s the trend for state-owned steelenterprises to reform and improve the existing logistics real estate information managementsystem. Therefore, Shaoguan Steel Corporation launched a real estate informationmanagement system development projects. Based on this background, systematic study ofreal estate information management system project progress was held, integrating theory andpractice.The papers through the control plan decomposition, the allocation of responsibilities inthe project, the sort of work, work time estimates of real estate information managementsystem development project SISG design, and then tracked through the facilities and theexpected results of the project control plan, identify problemsestimate the deviation of theexpected results of the project schedule control resources duration, schedule delays theprogress control deficiencies and other aspects of analysis, to identify existing problems in theprogress of the project control process. Then use control method based on the the PERT andthe CCPM combination of progress on the project progress in determining project criticalchain project scheduling arrangements for the implementation of plans to improve theEstimation of the duration of the project, project network diagrams, critical path networkdiagram. While arrangements for the progress of the project implementation, follow-up andoptimization of project progress control in different stages of progress control, dynamicmonitoring of the progress of the project, progress control, schedule updates, to ensure theproject can be completed on schedule.In this paper based on a the PERT and the CCPM combination of schedule controlmethod can effectively shorten the duration of the project, to ensure the successful completionof the project, and to improve the ability of the project to meet the schedule and budgetconstraints. I hope to bring some beneficial effects and benefits of this study is thedevelopment of the steel industry, logistics information management system developmentproject, and have a certain referential significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Iron and steel industry, Estate, Information Management System, Developmentprojects, Schedule control
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