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The Research Of Provincial Bank Of Chihli In Republic Of China

Posted on:2013-11-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y G ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330395954016Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The late Qing Dynasty official money of the nature of the local banks, after theRevolution of1911with the collapse of local government, a small number of thereorganization of the Provincial Bank, Chihli Provincial Bank by the late Qing Dynastyofficial money evolved.Period of the Northern Government, the Bank of Chihli Province the warlords cashier themoney of private libraries, the bank reserves to be emptied, money issued without restraint,managers, and marketing bonds. Become financing warlords and military spending, theexploitation of the tools of the people, Chihli Provincial Bank and mastery of the commonfate of their warlords, once the warlords lose power, the Bank of collapse. The other hand, theProvincial Bank of Chihli the rules of survival of the modern banking, widely absorbed socialhot money, and actively invest in modern industry, secured loans, to support industrialdevelopment. Based on the municipalities pay the stop against the wave of the1921pay runson a wave of financial disorder in Chihli areas to its own financial strength to eliminate the1916crack down on local and private votes, to maintain local financial order. However, as thetransition from the old official money of a financial institution, the Chihli Provincial Bank hasstrong political overtones, this limitation has resulted in the survival period of the ChihliProvincial Bank will not last long.Republic of China as the center, conducted a preliminary study on the development andchanges of this stage in Chihli Province Bank. The full text divided into seven parts.The first part is the introduction, description of article topics origin, combing through therelevant academic history, the overall direction, the choice of the data and the related need toexplain the problem.The second part is the first chapter of the body, mainly on the Chihli Provincial BankHistory.The third part is the body of the second chapter, this chapter described the condition ofthe assets of the Bank of Chihli Province, to clarify that the operating funds of the bank’scapital is not a bank, the banks in order to obtain the guarantee of public trust funds. The amount of bank profitability depends on the level of deposits.The fourth part is the third chapter of the text, this chapter analyzes the businesscomposition of the Chihli Provincial Bank. Chihli Provincial Bank deposits, loans andinvestments, distribution bonds, issue of banknotes and other business analysis to examine theeconomic foundation of the survival of Chihli Provincial Bank.The fifth part is the body of the fourth chapter, first defined the concept of junk in thischapter, Chihli Provincial Bank issued banknotes in nature is the coupon, it requires a strictreserve, such a distribution system in the economic The school belongs to the shackles ofstandard system, which differs from the later paper money standard. Understand this to a deepunderstanding of the banknote crisis in the province to implement to maintain the policy.Part VI is the fifth chapter of the text, of the reasons for the failure of Chihli ProvincialBank to maintain political support is the main driving force to maintain its warlords refused tobecome fundamental to maintain the failed wedding dress for others.Part VII is a brief conclusion, the Chihli Provincial Bank to evaluate the thinking ofgovernment and economic relations.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Republic of China, Chihli Provincial Bank, research
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