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Research On The Impact Of Three Industrial Structure:Transition Of Liaoning Province On Its Employment Structure

Posted on:2013-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330395952022Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The issue of employment has been the focus of attention of the Chinese society.At this stage, the situation of employment remains grim. According to statistics, thenumber of university graduates were more than600million in2011, coupled with thestudents who are not currently employed during previous years, the pressure ofemployment is enormous. Except for college students’ employment is difficult, themigrant workers, enterprise laid-off workers, and others, which employment problemis also hard. Therefore, how to solve the employment has become the urgentproblems.Many reasons lead to employment problem, one of the main reason is thetransfer and optimization for industrial structure which result in the employmentproblem during the development of economic. So it is a very high practicalsignificance things that having a hard research. It can be a reference for solve thereality of the employment problem.This object of paper is Liaoning province, becauseas one of the old industrial base in northeast China, the industrial structureoptimization in liaoning province bring on the outstanding employment problemduring recent years. In addition, author as a person who born in liaoning and willgraduate from liaoning university, also pay close attetion to the employment problemof liaoning province.The paper is divided into five parts. The first part introduces the related researchon this issue and the main research method; The second part reviews the relatedtheory and mechanism of industrial structure and employment structure; The thirdpart makes analyzing and compring on the current situation of three times industrialstructure and employment structure nearly30years in liaoning province; The fourthpart makes an of empirical analysis on this problem and draw the conclusion; At last,according to the results of analysis of the fourth part, we make some suggestion onemployment promotion in terms of optimization of industrial structure andimplementing employment policy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Three industrial structure, Employment structure, Empirical research
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