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The Influence Study Of China Enterprises’ ODI On Domestic Staff From Their Perception Perspective

Posted on:2014-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D M YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330392961279Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The ODI (Overseas Investment Strategy) micro-study for homecountry has been popularly conducted from the enterprises and theirdecision makers perspectives, seeking to well explain this economicbehavior. In my study, I will focus on the “employee relationship”, one ofthe enterprise’s “Six Great Relationships”, to study the influence ofChina enterprises’ ODI strategy on the domestic employees from theirperception perspective.In the Strategic Human Resource Management andInternational Human Resource management, staff’s core position has beenhighlighted, but the present study is mainly focused on how to do it well tocoordinate with and support internationalization strategy, lacking ofquantitative study of ODI strategy for human resources. Therefore, thispaper, will have certain theoretical value and practical significance for theenterprises’ ODI strategy and ODI enterprises’ human resourcesmanagement.To make the study well prepared, I referred to and read variousdomestic and international relevant literature, including theory research,academic empirical research, practice case material and its research andanalysis results, and constructed the theoretical study model anddetermined the5research items, proposed eighteen research hypothesis.Through the design of experiment and questionnaire survey, the data werecollected. After the data analyzing and interpreting, the followingconclusions were arrived:First, the ODI strategy for China enterprises has significant positiveinfluence on the domestic staff’s enterprise choice, stability and job performance;Second, the ODI in developed countries has significant greater positiveinfluence on domestic staff’s job performance than ODI inunder-developed countries;Third, the ODI destination variable has significant better interpretationfor the domestic staff domestic staff than whether to invest overseasvariable;Forth, ODI strategy has significant positive influence on domesticstaff’s welfare security, personal development space and job pridecognition;Fifth, domestic staff’s welfare security, personal development spaceand job pride cognition for China ODI enterprise has significant positiveinfluence on their behavior.
Keywords/Search Tags:ODI Strategy, ODI Destination, domestic staff, perception perspective
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