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Automatic Appraisal System Of Risk In Financial Credit

Posted on:2013-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R G DanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330392953334Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The financial credit is the important role of market economy, and the main part ofmodern financial system. The credit risk is the main risk of financial credit, riskmanagement level of the financial credit will directly affect the entire nationaleconomic stability. The market economy of our country is still in the exploration stage,whether in theory or practice, credit risk management still need further study andresearch. But,with the globa lization of world economy and the accession to W TO ofchina after the Implementation of the financial access,foreign financial entities areentering Chinese financial market by virtue of a strong econo mic strength, richmanagement experience and advanced control means of risk,they compe te withlocal financial organization of China. The implementation of comprehensive creditrisk management is imminent.First,this paper analyzes the traditional credit risk measurement mode ls andmethods, reviewed the development course of credit risk measurement.Secondly,introduce the basic principle of the modern risk measurement model--Creditmetrics,and uses a simple example to illustrate the calculation method of this mode l.Thirdly,outlining the company existing credit management system, and po ints out itsdeficiency.Finally, based on Creditmetrics,introduce credit risk measurement methodto the credit management system,and enhance the ability of assess risk.Using the history data of accumulated credit by our company and reference toexternal authority data, and the popular software architecture and developmenttechnology,realize the application of risk assessment system in our company. Aftertrial for3months and the evaluation of the company team of expe rts.Agree to thesystem has meet the requirement of company’s risk assessment.Although the improved greatly enhances the credit management system for therisk assessment of accuracy and objectivity,but also has very many places to need toconsummate. At the same time, put forward to strengthen our fina ncial credit riskmust multibarrel falls together. A pressing matter of the moment is to perfect creditevaluation index system and the establishment of credit risk da tabase.
Keywords/Search Tags:Credit, Risk, Evaluation, Creditmetrics, Credit Rating
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