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Research On The Influence Of Brand Experience On The Brand Loyalty

Posted on:2012-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330377454756Subject:Marketing management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The21st century is the rapid development of human society, China’s economy is in a particular period of rapid development, the enterprises play an important role in the market economy. Enterprises’development is to rely on the support of consumers, in the complex and competitive market environment, the current market has the "enterprise-oriented" to "customer-oriented". The focus of the competitive is not used to product competition, but customer competition, especially after the experience economy, the individual needs of customers are more and more difficult to meet. How to attract customers, how to give the customer left a deep memory, become an urgent problem of the enterprise. This experiential marketing has become a very important business marketing strategy, the brand experience is the experience of marketing and brand management of the organic binding sites, occupies in the marketing management an increasingly important role. Brand experience is intended to provide an experience to establish brand relationships with consumers, ultimate goal is to increase consumer’s brand loyalty and increase profits.In this thesis, the theory of integration of Chinese and foreign scholars, using the current accepted theory of comparative, dimension of the Scott’s brand experience. Scott will be the brand experience into a personal brand experience and shared brand experience. personal brand experience which includes three dimensions:sensory experience, emotional experience and insight experience, shared brand experience includes two dimensions:action experience and associated experience. This article introduces a brand relationship as a variable, and through literature review, proposed two dimensions:satisfaction and trust.This paper is to study the various dimensions of brand experience on the relationship between the brand impact of two dimensions, thus contributing to the improvement of brand loyalty. Study of brand loyalty has always been the attention of many marketing scholars, many scholars have demonstrated through empirical analysis of the importance of brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is one of important means to maintain the marketing advantages, it’s value is that it can enable enterprises to lower marketing costs, attract more new customers, leverage to win more deals and have time to respond to the threat of competition. In the initial research phase of brand loyalty, Scholars seem the brand loyalty is to the customer as a commodity for a repetitive purchase behavior. This behavior of a particular brand that consumers will not be buying mood or time constraints, buy result is stable. This view is more value to consumers of product features, they think that the quality of a product or price, and so on, can meet the needs of consumers, bound to lead to consumer’s buying behavior, to improve customers’ loyalty. But they ignore the phenomenon of today’s products are increasingly common homogenization. Another view of the scholars are starting from the consumer’s psychological, they focus on consumer’s attitudes to a brand, they believe that consumers’preferences and psychological commitment to affect his buying behavior, thereby affecting the degree of brand loyalty. This view is focus on consumer psychology, but lack of instructions purchase, either of behavior or attitude, it has its own shortcomings. There is also a view called the act-with attitude on the point of view (consolidation of view), This view combines the behavior and attitudes are examined, the theory is that brand loyalty is the consumer attitudes and buying behavior related to the function, It is the consumer’s brand loyalty as a continuum of individual attitudes and buying behavior related to the relationship. Comprehensive view of the measurement of brand loyalty there will be some difficulties, however, preferences and purchasing behavior for these two variables in practice or have a good proof. Based on the model, this paper proposes twelve hypothesis. Including, Sensory experience has a significant positive impact on satisfaction; Emotional experience has a significant positive impact on satisfaction; Thinking experience has a significant positive impact on satisfaction; Sensory experience has a significant positive impact on faith; Emotional experience has a significant positive impact on faith; Thinking experience has a significant positive impact on faith; Mobile experience has a significant positive impact on satisfaction; Related experience has a significant positive impact on satisfaction; Mobile experience has a significant positive impact on faith; Related experience has a significant positive impact on faith; satisfaction has a significant positive impact on brand loyalty; faith has a significant positive impact on brand loyalty. The empirical analysis is aimed to prove these assumptions are justified.This paper mainly through literature study, questionnaire and empirical analysis to discussion the links between brand experience, brand relationships and brand loyalty. Questionnaire in which this paper is mainly through issuing questionnaires and e-mail, in the process of recovery can not be guaranteed to each and all were withdraw, The author distributed200questionnaires, actual recover185, Of which158valid questionnaires. The research is paid for entirely by students at the Southwestern University of Finance and ecnomic, mainly in graduate. As the object of this study are all students, although higher than the personal qualities of college students, on the psychological experience may also have their own unique experience. But the lack of universality, this is the author of the study in the future areas for improvement. Also most of this article by e-mail questionnaires, rather than through one-on-one interviews, so it can not ensure that every seriously respondents correctly completed questionnaires. In may cause some deviation in the final results of data analysis.Here the author of this study will be introduced to the structure and content. The first chapter is the introduction, in this chapter, this article analyzes the background to the study and research significance, two aspects of meaning: theoretical and practical significance; In Section III presents the purpose of this study, brand experience is to study how to influence customer loyalty, in the fourth quarter to draw the structure of this study, this study describes the steps. The second chapter is a literature review and organize, in this part I read a lot of literature, and learn more about the definition of the brand experience, brand relationships and brand loyalty. Brand experience part of which will be the main reference for this most famous scholars agree that the views of scholars Scott, Scott will be the brand experience into a personal brand experience and shared brand experience, personal brand experience which includes three dimensions: sensory experience, emotional experience and insight experience, shared brand experience includes two dimensions:action experience and associated experience. This article introduces a brand relationship as a variable, and through literature review, proposed two dimensions:satisfaction and trust. The third chapter is a model construction and propose some hypotheses, the second chapter by summarizing and understanding, in this chapter, the research model proposed in this paper:"brand experience-brand relationship-brand loyalty". And on this basis, proposed twelve hypothesises. The fourth chapter is a simple discussion of research methods, in this chapter explained the choice of sample sources in detail and design questionnaire. In the questionnaire of design, scale with reference to previous major scale, and proposed25items. Through questionnaires and recycling, also summarized in this chapter, the structure of the questionnaire, questionnaires to the basic information. Finally, this chapter presented data analysis method in this paper, using SPSS15.0to analysis data. The fifth chapter is a core part of this thesis, This part is to use SPSS15.0to research some of the empirical. In this chapter, the author will be on the basis of questionnaire data processing. Through reliability analysis, validity analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis to proved the establishment of assumptions, ultimately prove my hypothesis is right, the brand experience has a positive significantly impact on brand relationship. Brand relationship has a positive significantly impact on brand loyalty. The sixth chapter is a summary and recommendations in this article. The biggest innovation is in this brand experience and brand loyalty to the brand relationship between the introduction of this variable to study. And detailed analysis of the various dimensions of brand experience on the brand impact of each dimension of relationship. And analysis also between the various dimensions of brand loyalty of the brand. These are not studied in previous, this article hopes to study aspects of the brand experience to make a supplementary.
Keywords/Search Tags:brand, experience, brand experience, brand relationship, brand loyalty
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