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An Empirical Analysis Of The Present Situation And Optimize The Industrial Structure In Yunnan Province

Posted on:2013-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S R ManFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374992389Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Yunnan Province is located in China’s southwestern border, closed to Vietnam,Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, connecting the China-ASEAN Free Trade Areaand the South Asian Free Trade Area. As a result, Yunnan has an advantage incommunication. Named with "the third Asia-Europe Continental Bridge ", YunnanProvince, has a unique position in the global strategy of opening up of China’seconomy. As a backward provinces in economic development and industrial structure,the bridgehead is still more in name than in reality for Yunnan. As a result, Westudied the industrial structure of Yunnan, so as to propose the most appropriateeconomic policies to realize the Yunnan bridgehead strategy.From a static analysis point of view: economic development and industrialstructure of development in Yunnan Province has made tremendous progress.However, there are at least two industrial structure problems: First, the low level ofindustrialization, for example, the percentage of GDP of secondary industry inYunnan Province was41.9%, lower than the national average of46.3%, ranked26thin the31provinces; Second, it is unbalance between the employment structure and thepercentage of the GDP. for example, the value structure of the industry in2009was7.67:51.84:37.49, but the structure of employment over the same period was62.3:12:25.7. From the point of view of dynamic analysis: the Yunnan Province in theearly1990s changed faster, but from then on, the change of industrial structure beganslowing down. From the quality assessment of the industrial structure, not only theoverall performance of Yunnan Province, a single indicator is also below the medianvalue. Therefore an adjustment to the industrial structure of Yunnan Province isneeded. According to the "fast-track model", we found that optimal industrialstructure in Yunnan Province (GDP) was9.26%,29.61%,61.12%.The balancedstructure of economic development means that an economy’s industrial structuremakes the various production departments produced products in terms of the type or quantity of the products are exactly the type and quantity of the required by theeconomy as a whole. The industrial structure is the aim for Yunnan Province. As tothe analysis of the industrial structure in Yunnan Province, the balance of thestructure,can only be achieved through a non-balanced industrial development. Thisunbalanced development can achieve by developing key industries that supported orinvest by the government. As to the "Gray evaluation model", key industries are: oilprocessing, coking and nuclear fuel processing industry, electricity, heat productionand supply industry, transportation and warehousing industry, renting and businessservices, financial services, chemical industry, General Motors, special equipmentmanufacturing industry, comprehensive technical services, metal smelting practiceand rolling processing industry, transportation equipment manufacturing, othermanufacturing, electrical, machinery and equipment manufacturing industry, gasproduction and supply industry. Yunnan Province should developing those keyindustries according to priority.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yunnan Province, industrial structure, key industries
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