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Research On Job Satisfaction Of Employees And Promoting Countermeasures In A Co. Ltd.

Posted on:2013-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374975934Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the recovery of import and export trade market in China after the global economiccrisis of2008, logistics transportation keeps growing, especially in shipping. The containershipping is faced with new opportunities for development. However, competition is growingin intensity because shipping meets more strict demands for cutomer service. A Shipping Co.Shenzhen Branch (be hereafter referred to as: A Co.) is facing more challenge in business andmanagement, for the recruit, maintenance and motivation of professional personnel, whichdmands for rapid growth of human resource management. As a result, the research on jobsatisfaction of employees has become more and more important, for improving humanresources development, application and management, also for establishment of scientific,reasonable and pertinent human resources management mechanism, complying with A Co.and implemented effectively.This study is under guidance of theories of management of human resources and practiceof research methods combining theory and practice, which analysis comprehensively thecurrent situation of job satisfaction of employees in A Co., to find out the problems andinadequacy existed in human resource management. This study will offer a proposal andpractical action plan for the optimization and application of human resource managementmechanism in A Co., combined with the actual situation of human resource management inthe container shipping industry, under the guidance of scientific theory. Some problems withhuman resource management of A Co. were found out: training management system is notperfect, the performance management system is not applicable, salary design and managementis not reasonable, promotion mechanism is unsound, no spreading and communication ofcorporate culture. In order to solve these problems effectively, this paper proposed thefollowing solutions: perfect training system, optimize the performance appraisal system,adjust method of salary design and management, and promote the quality of corporate culture.We hope to achieve the scientific and standardization of the level of human resourcemanagement in A Co., to make a contribution of maintaining its core competitiveness andsustainable development in the shipping industry, according to the research on job satisfactionof employees and promoting countermeasures in A Co.. Also hope to provide pertinentreference plan for human resource management of logistics transportation, particularly forcontainer shipping industry.
Keywords/Search Tags:A Shipping Co. Shenzhen Branch, Job Satisfaction, Promoting Countermeasures
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