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A Study On The Development Of Suzhou Agritourism In The New Rural Construction

Posted on:2010-09-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G HeFull Text:PDF
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When agriculture has developed into a certain stage, it extends to tourism. Under the circumstances, agritourism came into being as a new complex industry, bearing the characteristics of both agriculture and tourism. agritourism sprung up at the end of1980s and it has met people’s demand for tourism which focuses on return to nature, experience and participation. However, current studies on agritourism have only addressed the fundamental concept and the exposition of resource development, market open-up and regional development. Systematical researches in this respect are quite lacking.The development of Suzhou agritourism is complementary to the economic development. The city of Suzhou boasts of advantageous basic conditions for the development of agritourism, such as unique natural conditions, favorable geographic conditions and sound economic foundation etc. Recently, agritourism in Suzhou has developed rapidly. As a result, it has become an important means to speed up the development of modern agriculture, promote the upgrading of agricultural structure and increase farmers’income, therefore building a new socialist countryside. Suzhou municipal governments at all levels attach great importance to the development of agritourism. To be specific, the municipal governments have vigorously deepened the agriculture restructuring and enacted a large number of supportive policies, therefore having effectively promoted the development of agritourism. Suzhou. agritourism takes a brand new look with Jiangxiang Village and Changjiang Village as its renowned representatives.Though agritourism has boomed in Suzhou recently, the leisure venues have increased rapidly in quantity and the demand is growing. Meanwhile, during the process of development, lots of problems and misunderstanding have emerged that cannot be ignored. Its development lacks long-term planing and calls for sound scientific management and administrative regulations, In addition, sightseeing agriculture remains relatively small scale and its marketing needs to be innovated. This thesis makes a tentative study on agritourism with a view to exploring into the laws therein. In view of the problems in development, it proposes strategies and suggestions on how to further the development of agritourism in Suzhou so as to promote the sustainable development, which may be of instructive significance to other areas.This thesis consists of four sections. The first section of introduction begins with the background and significance of studies on agritourism and gives an overview of status quo of research at home and abroad before proposing the framework for both the study and analysis. It expounds the relevant theories from the perspective of agritourism. It also defines agritourism and its characteristics, then exposits the developmental characteristics of oversea agritourism and summarizes agritourism in China mainland and Taiwan. The second section is the current situations analyses of agritourism in Suzhou. The analyses are conducted from the perspectives of regional advantage, natural resources and socioeconomic situation and on the basis of market survey. Accordingly, it indicates and analyzes the problems during developing agritourism in Suzhou. On the basis of previous analyses, the third section proposes some strategies on how to further develop Suzhou’s agritourism. The fourth section concludes the whole thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Suzhou, agrtourism, agricultural tourist resoure, development
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