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Online Routing Problem Of Emergency Logistics For Disaster Based On Complex Network

Posted on:2013-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G H YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374475926Subject:Logistics Engineering and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Economic globalization and global ecological degradation is almost simultaneous. Thishas led to numerous disasters. Therefore, the research on the emergency logistics of disasterhas great theoretical and practical significance. The experience of disasters emergency hasshown that lack of emergency supplies and ignoring the path optimization will resultin the unnecessary loss, so Emergency logistics path dynamic selection is particularly urgent.Based on the characteristics of unconventional disasters, this paper uses the knowledgeof management science, complexity science, mathematics and other disciplines to researchonline routing problem of emergency logistics. When unconventional disasters occur, we mustfirst collect the traffic information of the affected areas. According to the link of the nodes, thepaper establishes a complex network of emergency logistics. By analyzing the relationshipbetween node degree and traffic load, the paper proposed effective vehicle routing strategies.Online routing problem of emergency logistics can be broken down into emergencyfacilities allocation problem, rescue order problem and vehicle routing problem. The paperuses a clustering method to solve the emergency facilities allocation problem. When disastersoccur, a relief request includes the presented time and disaster places. We don‘t know therelief request before they are presented. This paper uses the nearest neighbor method todetermine the initial premise of the program and uses the online method to adjust the order ofrescue order. In order to solve the choice of emergency vehicle routing, the paper buildsmulti-objective decision-making system based on time, risk and cost factors in the process ofchoosing path because of the particularity of emergency logistics and uses the online methodto design the optimal strategy.Finally, based on the analysis and calculation of an example, the results indicate that theabove models and methods are effective and rational.
Keywords/Search Tags:Emergency Logistics, Complex Network, Online Problem, Multi-ObjectiveDecision
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