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Social Problem And Countermeasure Research Of Land Requisition And Relocation About New Railway

Posted on:2013-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q H TanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330374474669Subject:Civil engineering construction and management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,because of the sustained and rapid economic growth, regional economy and the flow of population exchanges have become increasingly frequent.Railway transport market demanding continues to increase, the railway engineering construction scale is also expanding. At present about passenger dedicated railway, high-speed railway, multiple unit, magnetic train have gained the success that attract worldwide attention.Meanwhile railway locomotive type and performance have been improved, railroad mileage increases rapidly. Railway construction needs to take up a lot of land, the current, our country new railway engineering construction involves a considerable number of units and individuals of the farmland and pasture where farmers and herdsmen live in. New railway engineering in the process of land expropriation in social contradiction is highlighted increasingly. Land acquisition demolition led to petitions, gang, self-immolation, malignant events are becoming more frequent, land acquisition demolition has become a major concern of social problems. Demolition of social problems has been perceived, perceive, is affecting the normal life of partial society member, hinder the harmonious development of the society, to railroad project smoothly cause huge disorder. The current land requisition in China is facing one of ten major social problem, as the shadow follows the form, where to go to follow where, this social problem worthy of our reflection and need to propose solutions.Application of social problems theory to illuminate new railway project land demolition which has become a social problem,analyse the formation mechanism.Use the method that studies social problems (including nvestigation method, literature method and case analysis method) to solve land requisition demolition proposals. The main application of extension theory and the basic train of thought based on the extension of contradictory problems, summed up the railway land requisition demolition social problems of the main manifestations:land acquisition demolition compensation and resettlement, resettlement unreasonable ownership as well as the area difficult to determine, land requisition procedure defects, landless peasants social security system, relocation to the vulnerable group policy, lack of governmental function disorders in relocation, relocation of trust between stakeholders mechanisms are disrupted, land acquisition demolition related laws and regulations are not perfect. The eight forms been gaven the extension analysis and causes. One of these eight aspects, compensation for requisition of land is the one of unreasonable factors for the formation of social problem.Application of extension engineering model exports relevant countermeasures for compensation and resettlement unreasonable.Apply contains analysis principle to solve relocation management authority and area difficult. And also propose the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions on the land requisition procedure defect, landless peasants social security system, land acquisition demolition of vulnerable groups policy, lack of land demolition in governmental function disorders, land acquisition demolition related laws and regulations. These countermeasures are first to integrate the perfect system, implement policy. Special care is given the vulnerable groups.For those who breach of privilege of individuals and departments to help the media to the supervision of the public function; for those die-hards, tries to profit from land demolition the building of violate the rules and regulations as well as to persuade this education, build and breed system culture, system culture infectivity to influence them. Only in this way, the harmonious railway land requisition demolition can be advanced smoothly and orderly.
Keywords/Search Tags:railway, Land Requisition and Relocation, Social Problem, Countermeasure
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