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Study On The Strategy Of Export Competitiveness About China’s Agricultural Products

Posted on:2013-05-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Q ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330371999763Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since its WTO accession, China’s agricultural export competitiveness has undergone significant changes, mainly in labor-intensive agricultural products competitive advantage is more obvious, while the bulk of agricultural production to reflect the land-intensive presents the disadvantage. Under the background of global trade liberalization, how to improve international competitiveness of agriculture, has become an important practical strategy problems.The paper is focused on competitiveness of China’s agricultural products, which is consisted of five chapters. The first chapter is the introduction, which introduces the background and significance, the research objectives of the content and research methods, research ideas and analysis framework.The second chapter is the theoretical foundation and literature review, introducing theoretical ideas related to the analysis of the competitiveness of agricultural products. First, classical economics and neo-classical trade theory are traced back, absolute advantage theory of Adam Smith and David Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage, resource endowments trade theory; Second, contemporary theory of economies of scale, product life cycle theory are described; Third is Porter’s theory of competitive advantage. These theories and ideas are important to analyze the competitiveness of agricultural products.The third chapter is a measure of the advantage of China’s agricultural products. In this section use the revealed comparative advantage (RCA) and trade competitiveness coefficient (TC), the overall competitiveness of agricultural products in China, category and region were analyzed. The results showed that:(a) After the accession to the WTO, the overall competitiveness of China’s agricultural products is declining. Based on2001-2009data,revealed comparative advantage coefficient and TC value of the regression analysis found that TC can be used to explain the RCA;(b) difference performance in the various of agricultural products. Grain cereals revealed comparative advantage declining; TC index of livestock products showed that the advantages and disadvantages are not very clear. Horticultural products highlights the advantages,especial the fruit and vegetable industry. The comparative advantages of land-intensive bulk agricultural products further decline from2004, rice has a comparative advantage into a comparative disadvantage;(c) From regional competitiveness, the difference between East and Midwest are different.The central and western mainly produce grain, while the food categories advantage of China’s accession to the WTO as a whole declined, it has a negative impact by the WTO. While China’s vegetable production, aquatic products are concentrated in the eastern coastal areas, it can get more favorable from WTO.The fourth chapter is the analysis of strategy based on the export competitiveness of theory of SWOT. From SWOT framework, the factors affecting the international competitiveness of agricultural products, covers land, labor, technology, capital efficiency, the upstream and downstream links, trade policy, exchange rates, as well as technical barriers to trade and other factors since China’s accession to the WTO,showing important influnce on agricultural products competitive changes. Seven aspects of policy recommendations on how to improve the competitiveness of agricultural products in China are suggested. First, give further development of the advantage of abundant labor resources in China. The second is to increase agricultural science and technology, promoting technological advances in agriculture. Third, the increase of agricultural products in regions infrastructure construction, improve the capacity of sustainable agricultural development. The fourth is to strengthen the agricultural product quality safety system to across technical trade barriers. The fifth is to accelerate the construction of agricultural organizations to improve the degree of organization of farmers. The sixth is to use the "amber box","green box" policy flexiblely and support the development of agriculture-related upstream and downstream industries. The seventh is to improve the service of the Government’s agricultural exports, and improve service level of agricultural exports and capacity.The last chapter is the basic conclusions and outlook.
Keywords/Search Tags:Competitiveness of Agricultural Products, SWOT, Strategy
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