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The Third Force As The Leading

Posted on:2013-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YanFull Text:PDF
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Departure from the status quo of China’s public service ads, summed up the various problems in the public service ads run mechanism, in the context of the transition, the tendency of social background, individualism and public service advertising development need to adhere to public service in order to obtain pure Conjecture on the mechanism, the author of foreign operating mechanism as a reference, Chinese background, multi-center theory "revelation of the management of public resources to establish a new mechanism for public service ads run enterprise, non-profit organization led and build a model to try to resolve the public welfare and commercial issues, the question of money, chaotic process.I start from two point of view of communication systems and management systems with large PSAs PSAs database, the current status quo in depth analysis of public service ads, with the the Lasswell propagation model spread of the status quo of public service ads shown, ad management system from the point of view of management functions:the PSAs planning and organizing the main missing and improper; the PSAs command and coordination mechanism of non-process and the very state; the PSAs control and incentives subjectivity and singularity, concluded that public service ads by introducing the "leader" to make the whole process clear. Then I returned to the background analysis, the fast-changing society there are a variety of development trends, from Fordism, anti-traditional and three dimensions of globalization, Chinese society has a tendency to individualism, this tendency to bring democracy and open it also brings the acute social problems. The economic front, the long-term market-oriented personal money worship prevailed; serious polarization in terms of social life, interpersonal indifference resulting in an increase in crime; global issues is difficult to be taken seriously, public assets, lack of protection awareness. Against this background that urgently requires the construction of public service ads, and to ensure that the importance of purely public welfare system.Foreign PSAs operating mechanism is based on society, government and media-driven, but because of the different national conditions, the above model in China "acclimatized". Guess, after the leader of PSAs with the public service advertising agencies, non-profit organization responsible for the interviews concluded, I think:government advocacy service type, is the protection of the public service ads run the macro-control is not suitable for micro-management activities; CCTV "widely advertised on behalf of the television public service ads run case showed that the purity requirements of the dual nature of the media and public interest can not match; The purpose of the enterprise is profitable, and contrary to the purpose of public service ads, can not become the leader of the public service advertisements. Ultimately, non-profit organization, society "third force" in nature, may become a leader of the public service ads.Existing non-profit organizations can not solve the embarrassing problem of funding, can not maximize use of resources, Ostrom’s theory of "multi-center to PSAs mechanism run to bring the revelation, but must adapt to China’s national conditions China’s "third force" in the "post-theory", inspired by borrowing foreign models rather than overall copy, in order to determine the characteristics of public service ads run mechanism:the nature of the nonprofit; modern internal management and external operation the market;"Users Association" mode multi-center theory; relying on the Government to develop constrained government control.Draw on the concept of "social enterprise" in the interview, I With Dis "corporate-type non-profit organizations, autonomous management of public service ads on the organizational level, formal management of the joint-stock enterprises, government, media, corporate variety of legal persons for shareholders, the operation of the market-oriented public service ads project to make a profit, the profit does not participate in any distribution to shareholders, and only for research and operations of its own organizational development and public service ads. The eventual establishment of China’s non-profit organization led the Board of Supervisors, government, stakeholders, supervisors, government, China Advertising Association, to motivate the three-dimensional multi-center management mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:public service announcements, operating mechanism, leader, enterprise based non-profit organizations
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