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Research On Management And Countermeasure For Examine And Approve And Award Certificate Of The Mining Rights In Guangdong Province

Posted on:2013-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Mineral resources is precious wealth of the human society and is the important materialbase of the human survival and the sustainable development of society. Mineral resourcesis one of main source of the human production and living materials and plays an importantrole in safeguarding the maintenance national security. Rational exploitation andutilization of mineral resources to promote national and regional sustainable developmenthas important significance.Guangdong Province reforming and opening goes in the forefront of the country.Guangdong Province is ongoing the reform exploration of mineral resources managementsystem especially approval of the mining right registration system. Mining right ofapproval and registration of certification has been as mine politics management core. Toeffectively solve the mining rights for approval and registration of certification problemsmust solve the problem completely from law, system and source.The main structure includes five main parts. The first part includes the researchbackground and the selected topic basis, the research goal and the research significance.The second part is about the concept and the theory basis. The concept includes mineralresources, the ownership of mineral resources, the concept of mining rights andprospecting right, the relationship between mining right and the ownership of mineralresources, the rights and obligations of the mining right person. The theory is thetheoretical basis of the paper, including the property right theory, externality theory,public choice theory, resources allocation theory which as the theory support of the paper.The third part describes four levels. It includes the survey, the present situation ofmineral resources, the mining rights for approval certification status of GuangdongProvince.The fourth part analyses the existing problems and their reasons of Guangdong ProvinceMining rights for approval and registration. The main problems are The applicationmaterials gradually increased, examination and approval procedures for complex, the longprocessing time and so on. Cause analysis makes of the four aspects. Which mainly fromthe legal regulations, highly centralized approval authority, management, mine politicsmanagement mechanism and the team behind the requirements. The fifth part is proposed to solve the Guangdong Province mining rights for approvalcertification management problems countermeasures based on the analysis of problems.Including accelerating the modification of "law of mineral products resource" and relatedregulations, Strengthen the management of mineral resources legal system construction,The transformation of government functions, Perfecting the management system ofmineral resources, Perfecting the management system of mineral resources, To furtherstrengthen the regulatory, Innovating management methods and means, Enhance themanagement of mineral resources and talent team construction.In short, in order to adapt to the development of socialist market economy, the need forfurther examination and registration of mining right management system reform, perfectmining rights for approval registration system, to promote Guangdong Province EconomicDevelopment of mining industry in Guangdong Province, to guarantee the sustainableeconomic and social development is of great significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Guangdong Province, mineral resources, mining rights, the approvalcertification management
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