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Excessive Marketization Of Urban Real Estate Sector And Its Enlightenment On The Reform Of Rural Residential System

Posted on:2013-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H K ZhuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330371468265Subject:Land Resource Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the key phase of transition in both economy and society in China, the strategy of "Coordinating Urban-Rural Development" has been indicating the right direction for economic and social development since it was first proposed in The Third Plenum of The 16th National Congress of the CPC. In view of such strategy, study on disparities between residential systems of urban and rural area has long been the focus of academia. Due to the urban-rural dual structure, real estate sector in urban and rural area each saw different development after the implementation of Reform and Opening up Policy. On one hand, benefiting from the reform of urban residential system, real estate industry in urban area continues to grow and gradually develops into a mainstay of Chinese economy. Despite of the fact that it has made a great contribution to efficiently allocating urban land resources as well as enhancing residential standard of urban dwellers, urban real estate industry has also bred a series of problems, including real estate bubble and lopsided market structure. On the other hand, real estate industry in rural area, constrained by residential system, remains in a state lacking in space for development. However, with the steady progress in the construction of new socialist countryside, marketization reform in rural residential system has also become a prevailing social concern, accompanied by the ascendant clamor for both free circulation of rural residential land and marketization of rural residence.Given background above, this thesis, named "Excessive Marketization of Urban Real Estate Sector and its Enlightenment on the Reform of Rural Residential System", researches into the development of real estate sector in urban and rural area. It consists of seven chapters:Chapter One introduces the background, purpose and significance of this study, as well as a review of pertaining researches on this topic; Chapter Two straightens out and analyzes the developing course of the dualistic structure of real estate sector in urban and rural area; Chapter Three clarifies the connotation of "Excessive Marketization of Urban Real Estate Sector", additionally, it also carries out measure analysis on such marketization, pointing out that extravagant price combined with inadequate purchasing power is the salient feature of excessive marketization, while lopsided structure of supply and demand is its inner characteristic,Chapter Four reveals the underlying cause, conflicts within a multi-role government itself, of excessive marketization of urban real estate sector by analyzing each character and manner of central government, local government and developer in this issue; Chapter Five reaches to the analysis of constraints as well as feasibility and necessity of rural residential industrialization, by analyzing its developing trend and sorting out the current status of residential marketization in rural areas; Chapter Six puts forward the proposal of a progressive industrialization reform, based on both lessons of excessive marketization in urban real estate sector and developing trend of rural residential marketization; finally, Chapter Seven proposes specific aspects, which deserve further research henceforth, as the conclusion...
Keywords/Search Tags:urban real estate sector, excessive marketization, rural area, residential system, reform
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