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Cms China Company Development Strategy Analysis

Posted on:2010-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330368977756Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
CMS China Company was founded in 1995 as a Sino-German joint venture. After several times of shareholding transfer, it is now a whole America-owned company technically specialized in non-cryogenic air separation system integration.Through over 14 years of operation, it has not only set its own brand and market image but also made significant improvement through product and technical development, market promotion and human resource accumulation. This has laid a good foundation for the sustainable development of the company as well as its position as the market leader. The company has been profitable since 2002 with 6 times increase of shareholder equity and yearly average ROE of 25%.Although through many years of rapid development, there are some problems surfacing under the external macro economic condition and the industrial development. The author has made some investigations on the current situation of the company and its main problems. The author proposes the future development strategy so as to make sure that the company continues with its rapid and sustainable development.The thesis is composed of four Chapters.Chapter I briefly introduces CMS China Company. It begins with the introduction of the founding background and several stages of company’s development. Then it touches upon the current situation. Finally the analysis of the current problems is done.Chapter II analyzes the business environment and strategy. It first analyzes the macro economic condition of the market and industry to which CMS Company belongs and then uses Porter’s "five forces competition model" to analyze the micro environmental condition. It applied SWOT analysis in analyzing the company’s internal conditions and set the foundation for the proper selection of the company’s development strategy.Chapter III discusses strategy selection. Based on ChapterⅡ, the master strategy and competitive strategy are proposed.Chapter IV deals with the implementation and control of the strategy. The author discusses 5 aspects of the strategy implementation and proposes how to control the strategy.Through the systematic study of EMBA course in SWUFE, the communication between teachers and classmates as well as the author’s own thinking, the author has more understanding of his current task, the company’s business condition and its long term development strategy. The author tried to apply the management ideas and tools which were learnt at the EMBA course to analyze the problems and propose solutions to the problems. If the suggestions of this thesis can be implemented partly and improvement can be observed to help the sustainable development of the company, the author will be very happy.Due to limited knowledge of the author, there may be mistakes and/or omissions which the author will be obliged if others can point them out for corrections.
Keywords/Search Tags:CMS China Company, Strategy Management, Competitive Strategy, SWOT analysis
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