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Study On The Establishment Of Employees’ Multi-level Medical Security Systemin In Jilin Petrochemical Company

Posted on:2013-04-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L JiaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2249330368965060Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The basic medical insurance system of China was implemented officially in1996, and was initialized after the issue of No. 16 Document (1996) of State CouncilGeneral Office, namely,“Notice about Expanding the pilot views of employees’medical security system reform of four ministries and commissions including theState Commission for Restructuring the Economy forwarded by State CouncilGeneral Office. According to the actual situation of pilot,“the decision of StateCouncil on building basic medical insurance system of urban employees”(No.44Document [1998] , was issued again in 1998, and this system has been used up tonow after the implementation. As of the end of 2010, the total number joining therural and urban basic medical insurance has already reached 1.26 billion across thecountry, among them, the number of town basic medical insurance across China is432 million.Due to problem left over by history and system management, at present, quite apart of people of who join the urban basic medical insurance in China have beenmanaged and run by enterprises themselves, and there are still some differencesbetween their management mode and local government’s one. Jilin PetrochemicalCompany’s medical insurance started on January 1, 1997, and the problem ofmedical security of employees and family members had been resolved with fundsraised by itself, according to No. 16 Document (1996) of State Council GeneralOffice , it has been operating up to now. Since more than 10 years of closedindependent operation, medical insurance of the company plays an important role inensuring employees’health and guaranteeing enterprise’s production andmanagement and Maintaining harmony and stability of enterprise, but it is not exactlysame as the current policy of state and government, limitations of their own areincreasingly prominent, the efficiency in the use of funds is low, lack of system, basicpolicy is not exactly same as National Regional Policy, company’s burdens grow increasingly, which are not good for the realization of purpose of medical insurance,furthermore, affecting building and improving of multi-level personnel’s medicalsecurity system.Since operation of basic medical insurance system of Jilin PetrochemicalCompany these years, it has been accumulating certain experience, to certain extent,reflecting the present situation of large scale state owned enterprises fulfilling socialresponsibility. Therefore, in the light of above problems, through study anddiscussion , explore building management system and mode of enterprise employees’medical security ,building and improving Employees’Multi–level Medical SecuritySystem on the premise of ensuring personnel enthusiasm, promoting rapid enterprisedevelopment and constructing harmonious society, thus Continuously upgrade theenterprise development and competitiveness is of important practical significance,Through the methods of literature research , such as reading the relateddocuments and collecting relevant data and information, etc., make a relevant briefintroduction about current medical security system of Jilin Petrochemical Company,make study, analysis and discussion on various internal and external factors whichaffecting the said system. Through interview and questionnaire investigation methods,further clarify the influence degree of various factors, using experience summary, putforward the corresponding suggestions of optimization measures for the variousfactors which effecting medical security system of Jilin Petrochemical Company, soas to study and explore how to build and improve countermeasure and measure ofemployees’multi–level medical security system of Jilin Petrochemical Company. Thebasic structure of the said thesis is 4 chapters, in Chapter 1, background andsignificance of selected topics are provided, thoughts and methods to constructing andimproving of medical security system of Jilin Petrochemical Company are also listed;In Chapter 2, the present situation and existing problems of medical security systemof personnel of Jilin Petrochemical Company are introduced: In Chapter 3, theframework of building and improving personnel multi-level medical security systemof Jilin Petrochemical Company is put forward; In Chapter 4, elaborates separatelythe Implementation of security of building and improving medical security system ofJilin Petrochemical Company from company, and department as well as enforcing level.The conclusion of the said study is as follows: in order to ensure long term,stable and health development of Jilin Petrochemical Company, the Employees’Multi–level Medical Security System suitable for the development of enterprisesmust be established as soon as possible. The said system is accordance with therelevant state and local government policy, taking localization of basic medicalinsurance as the basic point, building Multi–level Medical Security System, includingwork injury insurance, maternity insurance, Supplementary medical insurance ,insurance for urban residents and commercial insurance for critical illness,comprehensively improve the level of employees’medical securityThe practical significance of the thesis reflects in: Building and improvingmulti-level employees’medical security system is important guarantee of establishingmodern enterprise system, healthy and perfect security system plays the mostimportant role in ensuring personnel enthusiasm, maintaining social stability andpromoting rapid enterprise development, as well as constructing harmonious society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Human Resource Management, Multi–level, Medical security System, Study onthe Establishment
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