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Dynamic Monitoring System Based On RFID Technology For Workshop Production

Posted on:2013-10-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X W YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330395465636Subject:Mechanical design and theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Enterprises in manufacturing process need more and more information. Thereby, thetraditional workshop management methods can not meet the timely production requirements. Insuch a context, this paper presents a dynamic monitoring system based on RFID technology.The system can achieve dynamic monitoring of the workshop production. Reader can collectand analyze workshop manufacturing information, and timely feedback the quality problemsencountered in the production process and process so as to take corrective measures. Alsodefective products can be tracked and the root of the problem can be found. In this way, it cansave much manufacturing cost for enterprises.The paper firstly introduced the background, meaning and the purpose of the topic,Thengives a brief introduction to the working principle of RFID technology. This paper also brieflydescribes the classification of radio frequency identification. As a theoretical basis, it describesthe structure diagram of radio frequency identification system, and gives a brief workflow ofthe reader.The entire monitoring system design is a key part to achieve the desired functionIf theentire system is reasonable, the required function can be achieved. Firstly, the paper made adetailed description of the development program of the entire system, determine the contents ofthe system software design and hardware design. Then by means of the system requirementsanalysis, the function required by systems is achieved, and then the application software,including various types of management interface and user permissions, and back-end databaseinformation corresponding with each interface can also be finished.In this paper, reader in the hardware is assembled by many chip s, which are passiveelectronic tags of model AD-0831. First, the hardware part of the RFID system should bedeveloped. The system needs requirement analysis to determine the required technicalparameters of readers. In order to choose internal chip that meet the requirements, analyzing theinternal structure should be done to determine the model of internal chip of readers. Afterwards,application circuit diagram of the internal chip can be designed.The software part includes the application software development in the communicationprocess. Development of application software is the innovation of this paper and is also a difficult and key matter. This section is divided into two modules, which are RFID serialcommunication software modules and operating back-end database software. Detailed processdesign of online program in two modules, the reader program, write card programs andoperating database program are the biggest difficulty of this paper.The application software is written in Windows operating system developmentenvironment. Front is developed in Visual Basic6.0application, and background select theAccess2003as a management data platform. Based on process analysis results and varioustypes of application software interface, software platform is developed by the application of VBprogramming tools, and software interface needed by system can be written. The softwareplatform can real-time collect information about workshop production, and analyze theprogress information and quality information collected, timely feedback, in order to takecorrective measures to achieve the dynamic monitoring of the workshop production.Finally, the paper summarized about this topic, meanwhile, according to the inadequaciesof this paper and the need for improvement combined with the topic’s the actual researchprocess, I made a brief introduction of research schedule and the future research content.
Keywords/Search Tags:Radio Frequency Identification, MES, Reader, Dynamic monitoring, Qualityanalys
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