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A Study On Book Classiifcation And Management System

Posted on:2013-07-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L K KuangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the popularization of information technology and the internet, the library business isgoing to be modernized, online and sharing. However, the classification of books is mainlydone manually. Because of the change of librarians or sudden change of classification rules,many books are not classifed in the same way. This thesis proposes of creating a bookclassificaiton system and change the manual classification work to automation. Here firstlycomes the background of the study, and then introduces the key technologies to build theclassification system based on Zend Framework, including PHP, Apache, MySQL, ZendFramework, phpMyAdmin and Zend_Search_Lucene. Taking a countryside junior highschool as an example,this paper analyzes the need of the system and confirms the design needas economic, smart and efficient according the reality of the school library management. Thedatabase is designed according to the analysis of the need of the system. First, this thesisanalyzes the entity-relation in the system and design the structure of the database. Second, itturns the entity-relation into tables in the database and finish the logic design. Third, it designsthe physical environment of the system. In the part of system design, it states the rules of thisdesign and describes the main function in detail. At the end, this paper shows the realizationof the system with Zend Framework’s MVC mode through simple examples and tests thesystem with several examples.
Keywords/Search Tags:libray, book classification, system, Zend Framework
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