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Design Of University Student Information Distributed System

Posted on:2013-02-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330377953185Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the expansion of college enrollment and the increasing size of students, the management for student becomes cumbersome and complex. The simple management by manpower has been unable to adapt to the specific development of situation completely, which needs a systematic and automatic management to provide rapid, accurate, secure services, so that teachers could know student information in time, complete related work.This system aims at the present stage the student information management requirements, using JSP, Servlet, JavaBean network programming technology with MySQL development of the database system of B/S mode basic student information management system. Development process with JavaBean, Servlet and JSP technology, the original advantages of using these techniques, using JSP to show the content of a page, use Servlet to complete a large number of complex processing, thus to achieve the desired task goal under the premise, realize the procedure of standardization, rationalization.The system in accordance with the actual needs of the design, using JSP, Java Bean network programming technology, at the same time with the My sql database as a background. This paper mainly describes the system overall structure and the function module, and a careful description of the database building process and the design method of program.The system can modify and delete information, and when in operation to provide safety tips. Request to enter search terms to fuzzy query and query student information. In the query results, can also choose the course name query scores. The system is based on fuzzy query and query combination mode. System of query results may be more, required to achieve paging display. If you do not enter a search keyword query results is empty; if not to search for relevant information, the query results are empty.The management system for students based on B/S model mainly deals with the processing of adding, deletion, query of students information, including performance, rewards and punishment. The system provides services for the teachers and students in time, and creates an efficient and convenient environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Manage System, university student information, B/S
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