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The Design And Implementation Of Municipal Co-ordination System Of Yantai

Posted on:2013-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L XingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330374981505Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, Yantai Insurance implement the "county-level co-ordination", taking each county and city as a co-ordinating area, and each county has its own policy, the insured can only be insured in the designated medical institutions of cities and counties for medical treatment. If you go to the counties and cities outside the designated medical institutions for medical treatment, you will not only handle the referral examination and approval procedures,but also need to bear all costs personally, then come back to the insured to be reimbursed. At the same time, enjoy the lower proportion of medicare reimbursement for medical treatment than the local insured, which in effect increase the burden of medical expenses of the insured.In this thesis, using Java technology, J2EE development platform, and using the MVC design pattern, realized the municipal co-ordination in the city, and eliminate the regional disparities, which insured equal enjoyment of various social insurance benefits, and shared the outcome of the economic and social development.The Unified policy standards. Adjust and specified e norms of the social insurance policies and standards, and implement the uniform funding policy, payment policy and the interface between the policy to achieve the city’s various social security insurance, payment, and the overall benefit at the same level.Consolidated Fund management. Establish the municipal budget management and adjustment fund system of social insurance funds, realizeing social insurance funds "unified policy, grading implementation; unified budget and accounting classification; uniform swap, grading balance; uniform examination and graded responsibility, which is four system quarters to further improve the management level of revenue and expenditure of social insurance funds.Unified service standards. Building a citywide public services, social insurance systems, and improving the municipal social insurance agencies, covering all urban areas and streets, community management service network. Unified and standardized management service processes, clear the responsibility of classification agencies and establish an interactive collaborative mechanisms to strengthen off-site handling service functions, realized seamless handling services, and improved overall efficiency in the handling services.Unified information management system. Integrate resources of Social insurance information management, standardize information management, and build information management system covering all types of insurance, try all efforts to achieve data sharing, controllable; establish and improve the city’s unified application service platform to promote the use of social security card.
Keywords/Search Tags:Java technology, C/S/S, MVC design pattern
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