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Semiconductor Laser Beam Shaping System

Posted on:2013-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H W ZhiFull Text:PDF
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Semiconductor lasers have been widely applied in medical treatment, industrial, and many other fields because it is light weight, small volume, light energy density, orientation, high reliability, high life, high efficiency and compact structure and optical field of good uniformity, etc. But, semiconductor lasers have a larger divergence angle, vertical and horizontal directions have different divergence angle. Affect its application. In recent years, many scientists and scientific institutions study to semiconductor laser beam shaping. Put forward the semiconductor laser beam plastic realized by cylindrical lens and crescent lens method on the basis of previous studies. As follows:Chapter one, the development history of semiconductor laser process, beam current situation and the significance of plastic shaping was introduced.Chapter two, several methods, advantages and disadvantages of the collimator beam technology of semiconductor laser were introduced.Chapter three, the main content of this article "cylindrical lens and crescent lens linear array semiconductor laser beam realize plastic" put forward by the author of the scheme was introduced in detail. Deduced the light path formula, divergence angle and other problems through the theory. At the same time, each problem numerical simulation results are given. After simulation, the result is divergence angle4.922mrad, spot diameter1.2707mm, the total system length65.6618mm, system diameter20.52mm. The system is better than the MW-NI-808type semiconductor lasers after comparison with the MW-NI-808semiconductor laser parameters.Chapter four, on the basis of the line array semiconductor lasers shaping, the method of surface semiconductor laser beam in plastic was introduced. After simulation, divergence angle down to5.816mrad, spot diameterl.4605mm, the total system length50.1627mm, system diameter14.30mm. The system is better than the K81DANC type semiconductor lasers after comparison with the K81DANC semiconductor laser parameters.Chapter five, conclusions and outlook.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lasers, Telephoto system, Far-field divergence angle, Cylindrical lens
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