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Service-oriented Yunnan Art Institute Campus Network Security Management Research

Posted on:2013-09-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y YueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330374486605Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of the Internet, the network environment has become moreand more complex. Different system platforms and different manufacturers ofequipment make the network managers under challenges. With high-performance,high stability of the network and flexible network management system to facilitate themanagement is able to improve enterprise competitiveness. And security is also one ofthe weak pot in the network, especially the campus network, the attacker’s knowledgeis becoming increasingly sophisticated, attack tools and methods of attack are becomingincreasingly complex and diverse, network security will be an unavoidable problem,as presented in people’s before. Campus network security management problem hasbeen highlighted before in the network management staff. Network managementsystem of security management has two meanings, namely, network securitymanagement and security of network management. Accordingly, the securitymanagement sub-system functionality can be divided into two parts, one networkmanagement system for their own safety, the second is the object of managed networksecurity. Campus Network in view of the current deficiencies in safety managementand safety management of the huge demand, this paper presents a service-orientednetwork management, security management solution.This article begins with a discussion of network management techniques. Networkmanagement technology developed to now appears SNMP(Simple NetworkManagement Protocol)-based management system, web-based management system,CORBA-based management system, and based on active network managementsystem. Those network management technologies are currently the primary means ofnetwork management and are the current campus the composition of the basictechnology of network management. The same time, this thesis also discusses securenetwork management, study its content and requirements.Secondly, the current network management system in the common security of thesolution was discussion and analysis, including Simple Network ManagementProtocol and common network management system technology platform, security analysis, and proposed specific solutionsFinally, the view of the current campus network security issues, this paperpresents a service-oriented management solutions. The entire security managementsolution used directly to implement security management service model. In theservice-oriented management solutions for the management of the network objects(such as firewall, network anti-virus systems and intrusion detection systems, etc.) forservice-oriented abstraction. Network management strategies, using the services into aunified method for the system to provide a unified security management services, butalso for all network access to provide a single secure access point, to facilitate systemupdates.
Keywords/Search Tags:Service-oriented, campus network, network management, security
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