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Online Learning System Based On Php + Ajax Design And Implementation

Posted on:2013-05-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2248330371492277Subject:Education Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the proliferation of computers and the rapid development of Internet technology,human has entered the information age. More and more people realize the importance of lifelonglearning. Increasingly, traditional education can not meet with the rapid growing demands forlearning. Recently, with the development of computer and network communication technology,distance education has become popular. Moreover, remote online learning, along with thedevelopment of long-range professional education and research network applications, has alsobecome one of the hot research areas.In this thesis, the author developed an online learning system about java curriculum basedon Ajax.Combined with the actual situation of teaching, through in-depth needs analysis, theauthor used PHP and Mysql as a development tool to develop the online learning platform basedon B/S structure. The content of this thesis is main about design, development and applicationof the online learning system. The entire system can make teacher teaching online and allowstudent to study online according the simple, user friendly, flexible, practical and safetyrequirements. System consists of teacher management, student management and systemmanagement of three major modulesSystem allows learners to learn anytime, anywhere and doan examination by yourself quickly, and allow learner easily to learn knowledge.In this thesis, author has carefully analyzed the development status of online learningin-depth discussions, and apply the theory of software engineering development processthroughout the system. Combining the PHP and database technology on the integration ofapplications based on needs analysis firstly, the author develop the online system based on PHP.The system has following advantages: good interactive, simple, user friendly, flexible, practical,safe, etcIt can complete the entire process of teaching and study. According to project functionalrequirements, the system is mainly composed of such modules: Web server management modulefor teachers, the question processing module, student management module, test managementmodule, online forum module, operating upload design module. Implementation andimprovement as well as the establishment and organization of the entire site testing are alsoperformed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ajax, PHP, Apache, Java, Online Learning, Online Examination
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