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The Study Of The Knowledge And Emotion Education In Chinese Teaching In Junior High School

Posted on:2014-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese teaching at junior high school, knowledge ability andemotional teaching constitute Chinese teaching system. And with theconsistent further development of the new curriculum reform at juniorhigh school, in Chinese teaching, the idea of using knowledge andemotion to design class has got more teacher’s affirmation. But a longtime, the junior high school Chinese teaching always attends to one thingand lose sight of another, cognition and emotion separate each other,which we can meet everywhere, how is the separation of the junior highschool Chinese class presented exactly? What causes cognition andemotion separation in Chinese teaching at junior high school? Whatmethods can realize the knowledge and emotion in the classroomteaching at the same time? In this study, the junior high school Chineseclass as the research object, try to find the problem from the angle ofjunior high school Chinese teacher.In addition to the preface and conclusion, the text is divided intothree parts.Firstly, an overview of the relationship between knowledge andemotion, then analyse the status and problems of knowledge and emotioneducation in middle school Chinese teaching current situation.Secondly, the reasons of affecting knowledge and emotioneducation in Chinese class teaching in junior high school. This partmainly from the teachers in Chinese teaching problems, in four aspects todiscuss the reason of the influence.Thirdly, The methods and suggestions to realize the knowledgeand emotional education of Chinese class teaching at junior high school.To make it come true in Chinese teaching, we must respect the student’s main status, excavat Chinese material deeply,grasp the rule ofChinese teaching at junior high school, use various flexible teachingmethods, we can truly achieve knowledge and emotional education ofChinese class teaching at junior high school.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese teaching at junior high school, knowledge andemotional education, teachers, students, teaching materials
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