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Group Work Intervention Study On Enhancing Students’ Resilience

Posted on:2014-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330398465359Subject:Social work
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, social work practice changes from" problem perspective" to "strengthperspective" based on ability gradually. It starts to dig the strengths of its owncharacteristic and the external environment of service object to inspire its power ofresistance to stress when the service object in the crisis and difficulties, that is motivatedtheir resilience. The underachievers are special students, most researchers see them as"problem students" and focus on the problems and difficulties faced by the underachievers,but rarely even ignore their own existent abilities and strengths.In this study we will in the perspective of strength theory and focus on theunderachievers from “problem perspective" to " strength perspective ". Through excavatedthe protective factors and risk factors of the underachiever, we analyzed and explored theprotective factors and risk factors that exist in individuals, families, schools and society.We used the group work to dig the underachievers’ internal potential and inspire theirmotivation, so that we can help them construct the resilience by promoting the “protectivefactors” defeat the risk factors or the risk factors change into the protective factors. Finallywe hope we can help underachievers build up their self-confidence; Affirm theirself-worth, so that they can growth in health and happiness.We can improve the underachievers’ resilience on the theory of strength perspectivecombined with the method of group work, many researches have supported this view.
Keywords/Search Tags:Underachiever, Resilience, Group Work
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