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High School Geography Teaching Based On Aesthetic Fusion Refactoring

Posted on:2014-01-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y YuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Aesthetic needs are of great importance to the comprehensive andharmonious development of human being. With the purpose of improvingstudents’ free and comprehensive development in the course of geographicalstudy, this research focuses on the aesthetic coalescence of geographicalteaching, and discusses the corresponding teaching objectives, teaching contents,teaching process, teaching methods, teacher-student relationship and teachingevaluation, etc.The dissertation introduces the meaning and characteristics of the aestheticcoalescence of geographical teaching, analyses the necessity and practicabilityof it. Experiment-based method and document-based method are the majorresearch methods of this dissertation.The content of the dissertation consists of three parts. Firstly, how to realizethe aesthetic coalescence of teaching objectives by aesthetic narrating; secondly,how to realize the aesthetic coalescence of teaching contents by aestheticactivating; lastly, how to realize the aesthetic coalescence of teaching process byaesthetic cooperation and exploration.The research shows that students have enhanced remarkably their ability andenthusiasm of seizing geographical cases in their normal life because of thepractice of aesthetic coalescence in geographical teaching. And the ability tointroduce questions, to build thinking models and to express themselvesdelicately through communicating and cooperating has been improved much.At the end of the dissertation, some deficiencies of the research are listed.There are three new ideas in the dissertation: the aesthetic narrating ofteaching objectives, the building of exploration models of aesthetic cases and theestablishing of delighted&admitted relationship between teachers and students.
Keywords/Search Tags:aesthetic, coalescence, geographical teaching
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