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The Construction And Practice Research On Operation Ability Of Junior High School Students

Posted on:2013-08-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B Y GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330377459421Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Operation ability is an important mathematical ability of junior high school students and it’s also a key factor than influences students’ learning achievement. Mathematics is thefundamental tool of other disciplines while operation ability is the foundation of mathematics.Therefore, cultivating and improving the operation ability of junior high school students can notonly improve students’ learning of mathematics, but can also develop their logic and ways ofthinking so as to lay a good foundation for their own all-round development. By studying thetheories and findings of the research at home and abroad on junior high school students’operation ability, interviewing other math teachers and associating with years of teachingexperience, the author analyzed the factors that affect students’ operation ability; we conducteda questionnaire on the students to learn about their problems on this issue; we compiled tests toexamine the operation ability of three different grades respectively, analyzed their presentproblems and brought up solutions according to the results, so as to solve the problems; weconducted an experimental study on some of the students in the guide of these strategies,discussed the feasibility of the experiment and proposed ways to construct the operation abilityof junior high school students.Chapter1of this paper introduces the research background, research purpose andsignificance. Chapter2provides the definitions of Operation and Operation Ability and reviewsrelated studies at home and abroad. Chapter3analyzes and summarizes the factors that influencestudents operation ability according to the findings and the author’s teaching experience.Chapter4exhibits the questionnaire, the tests on operation ability, the experimental study andanalyzes the procedures of problem solving and the data. Chapter5discusses the data and bringsforward the ways to construct the operation ability of junior high school students:1. Layemphasis on developing non-intelligence factors and regulate operation procedure;2. Highlightthe importance of each operation step and cultivate operation ability;3. Increase operationexercises to improve the ability;4. Reduce the influence of objective conditions to operationability. In the end, the present study is summarized and concluded, and some questions of furtherresearch are raised.
Keywords/Search Tags:Junior High School Students, Operation Ability, Practice Research
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