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Current Status And Countermeasure Research Of Hunan SportsLottery

Posted on:2013-10-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330374969637Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The sports lottery is accompanied by the birth of the revival of sports in Western Europe. Since then, popular in continental Europe with the development of the capitalist economy. And later gradually into the Americas, Asia and the world. At present,there are about more than150countries and territories to publish variety of lottery,most of which’are sports lottery. Sports lottery in China has a history of nearly one hundred years, as early as1850, there had a Jockey Club in China, beginning in1909the horse race betting, in1994China established the Sports Lottery Administration Center, began to issue after computer lottery, sports lottery market is rapidly expanding.1994Hunan Province to start organized and planned to issue sports lottery, more than a decade, especially in2005, through constant increase of the Sports Lottery and improve the sports lottery management measures, Hunan sports lottery obtained great progress. However, there are many problems in the process of development,from Hunan Province in the national sports lottery sales ranking and the level of economic development situation in Hunan, the development of sports lottery industry in Hunan is still far from satisfactory. How to scientifically increase the level of Lottery management and marketing activities, to expand and improve the sports lottery market, let more Lottery enthusiasts to enter the field of Lottery activities, healthy and rapid development of Hunan Provincial Sports Lottery is the main problem to be solved. In view of this, I select the status and development of the Hunan Provincial Sports Lottery as the direction of this thesis.In recent years, researched of the sports lottery has aroused the attention of some scholars, including researched of basic theory, development strategy, legal issues, consumer behavior research, the football lottery of the sports lottery. In this paper, by summarizing and drawing on previous research results, as a guide to the related management theories of the sports industry, on the basis of reading the literature and investigation, taking sports lottery consumers and sports lottery sales in Hunan province as the research objects, By the methods of literature, questionnaire, expert interviews, field inspection and statistics method, to analysis the sports lottery management status, welfare funds, lottery sales, promotion of status, consumer behavior and the shortages of sports lottery industries of Hunan province, puts forward the specific countermeasures, to provide references for the development of the Hunan Sports lottery Industry.1. Hunan sports lottery management is based on the three level management model, regional planning and distribution management directly responsible by the management station, improve the efficiency of management of the sports lottery. However, the management of the team force, executive force is not strong, the whole quality of market manager, sales team is not high, county level management team is still not fully formed, sports lottery sales management relatively lag, the working funds is tension.2. The Hunan lottery public welfare fund not only in the national fitness, the Olympic Glory etc to make a significant contribution also played an important role in serving the community. However, the effect of the use of the public welfare fund is not ideal, and the impact is not widely the findings show that only5%of the lottery citizens is clear of spending of sports lottery welfare fund,53%of the lottery citizens to understand a bit. Sports Lottery brand of social cognition is still very low, image advertising needs to be more targeted and effective.3. The number of sales points behind the market requirements, the layout of the point of sale is not reasonable,70%are concentrated in the cities and prefectures and other major cities. in remote villages and towns is relatively much less. The vast majority of lottery sales run Fucai, even also run other commodity, the area of point of sale is small, the image is poor, poor facilities, but the facility is complete. Sale channel is single, online betting and mobile phone telephone betting way has not gained popularity, recommended the establishment of automatic ticketing system.4. Sports lottery sales number is less, some part-time. Most of the sales staff is female, and at the age of20~30years old. Secondary/high school mostly, service level is not high, service awareness and attitudes need to improve and strengthen.5. Although the Hunan provincial sports lottery sales in recent years has made great achievements, the sports lottery sales is not very consistent with Hunan economic conditions, living conditions, the level of consumption, and Sports Development in Hunan Province have a certain distance, relative to other provinces also has bigger difference. Welfare and illegal lottery ticket is a factor. The aspects of sports lottery consumers——sex, age, occupation and other characteristics, consumer motivation, consumer behavior has become an important factor to affect the sports lottery sales. The men significantly more than women in the Sports Lottery groups, mostly of them in are salary class crowd, generally have a certain level of knowledge and rational consciousness, self-control ability, they prefer winning high type, high bonus type (5million), the play is simple and easy to understand. Some people are lucky, lucky psychology, still need to vigorously promote the public welfare of the sports lottery.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hunan Province, sports lottery, sports lottery consumers, current operating state, development strategy
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