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Research On The Effective Of Ideological And Political Work Of College College In New Period

Posted on:2013-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330374969471Subject:Ideological and political education
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The effective of ideological and political work of college is directly related it’s value and significance and the evaluation and attitude of the people. It is closely related with the contents of the ideological and political work, is also closely related with the mechanism, the path and methods. In substance, our country strengthen and improve ideological and political work in new period, in addition to the needs of the society, it is more about the consideration of the effective. To further strengthen and enhance the effective of ideological and political work, is the starting point and end point of the ideological and political work, is the prerequisite for the existence and development of ideological and political work. And once losing effective, ideological and political work will lose the meaning of existence. Effective ideological and political education work for college guarantees university’s personnel training objectives.The effective of ideological and political work, the workers who engaged in ideological and political education, under the guidance of the objectives and content of ideological and political education, according to university students thinking, behavior, psychology and so on, arising from actual results or effects in their ideological and political education activities. It is targeted penetration of its contents, mechanisms, methods and a comprehensive reflection of process reality, operability, practicality and effective of assessment. It often engendered in the ideological and political educational practice of colleges of the educational goals and objective results, highlighting the ideological and political work in the host-guest relationship of harmony and satisfaction.A whole and mainstream visits, the effective of China’s ideological and political education work is more obvious and satisfactory, mainly deeply rooted in socialism with Chinese characteristics theory and socialist core value system, students love the Party and the country and contributing to society’s awareness become increasingly prominent, advocating true knowledge determined to become plenty of kinetic energy was open, voluntary services and improve their own requirements of increasingly strong. However, from tributaries and local point of view, there are still ineffective, the effective is not obvious or effective is not satisfactory, especially awareness of contemporary college students’thinking, there is a need to address and resolve deep-seated problems, such as general political declaration said that the political consciousness of the actual is low, the concept of political ideals tend to dilute; political education of individual students said the collective consciousness of being weakened; a considerable number of students interested in self-seeking, self-realization, self-struggle, worship of self, the pursuit of their own values and their own interests, and so on.The poor effective of ideological and political education are many reasons, both objective environment reasons such as mechanisms for building, and subjective reasons. As a practical activity, ideological and political work is changing with the rich and development of society and constantly. In present, social environment is changing any time, the traditional way has affected the effective of the ideological political education work, now it’s difficult to achieve the desired effect. So, how to do ideological and political work, and enhance the effective of the work, it’s the problem which needs ideological and political workers to solve.Enhance the effective of the ideological and political education, requiring we establish the correct and clear objectives, achieving the organic integration with big goals, big target, secondary target, small target requiring reform of the ideological and political education content, process and methods, to establish the student as the main work ethic, and to develop the students’ subjectivity for the purpose of the work of philosophy, loveloping students’creativity, autonomy, and promote ideological and political work in the process of personality, and democratization on the core status; requiring the establishment of a sound and effective ideological and political education models and mechanisms while mobilizing all forces, further optimize the environment of the ideological and political education.Strengthen and improve ideological and political education of college students, to improve its effective, is a long-term and urgent strategic task, to train socialist builders and successors, having the great significance and value.
Keywords/Search Tags:ideological and political work in college, effective, research
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