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Our Vocational Electronic Competitive Player Career Planning Explored

Posted on:2013-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y YangFull Text:PDF
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Electronic sports rapid development has become the world’s most attract sb.’sattention in sports. The present electronic sports has become the employment ofuniversity students a new option, but electronic athletics occupation in China is in theprimary stage, mainly reflected in the present stage our country occupation electronathletics occupation of vaguely defined, occupation sports club development mode ofe-sports industry defects of confusion, occupation there etc. Therefore scienceplanning occupation electronic athletics is an important research topic, this articlethrough to our country occupation electronic sports survey and research, from theepistemological foundation, draw lessons from scientific maturity of the occupationcareer theory and method, using literature research, interview and logic analysismethod to our country occupation E-sports players were more complete analysis of.At present, China electronic athletics at the initial stage, compared with thedeveloped countries, is still in the immature stage, though it started late but rapiddevelopment. Because of our development is not mature, more need to guide andregulate, make it onto the track of coordinated development. Korea E-sportsdevelopment compared with our professional function, profound cultural background,income is mainly from the game, the hardware condition is better, the advantages ofoccupation honor. The success of Korean players with self restraint and strong,cultural basis of higher consciousness is strong wait for a characteristic, workplace.Further to the electronic athletics occupation career success factors were analyzed, thefactors of success can be summarized as the occupation information unobstructed,occupation ability and the occupation target of three aspects. According to supercareer planning theory, occupation electronic sports player occupation career can bedivided into: the growth stage, exploration stage, establishment stage, maintenancephase and decline phase of five phase. Occupation of electronic athletics careerassessment mainly involves two aspects, one is the evaluation contents, including selfand environmental assessment, target assessment strategy assessment; two are themethods of assessment, including reflection, investigation and expert method. China’soccupation development of flaws and lack of management, is in urgent need ofoneself science occupation career planning. Promoting occupation competitivenessand sustained development power, reduce the occupation risk. For the state to establish management system and regulation suggestions, to improve the industryenvironment to promote the image of occupation.
Keywords/Search Tags:career planning, electronic games, occupation athlete
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