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Erroneous Zones And Improvement Countermeasures Of The Cultivation Of The Pupils’ Interest

Posted on:2013-05-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R Q YingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2247330374477741Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Interest and its cultivation is both an old and new topic.It is theimportant problem to be solved both in education theory andeducation practice area.The famous German educator Herbartthought that developing students wide interest was one of the maingoals of education.Dewey is also one of the most influential educatorswho study the problem of interest.He pointed out that interest is thebasis of learning.In contemporary education area,we should make amore careful and thorough study of interest and its cultivation.Howabout the status quo of the cultivation of students interest?Whaterroneous zones to exist?How to adjust these erroneous zones?All thesequestions are worthy of our consideration and study.In this article,thewriter attempts to answer these questions with the starting point of thecultivation of primary school students interest.The research idea of this article is as follow.Firstly,the writeranalyses the research status of interest and its cultivation both at homeand abroad,and putts forward the shortages existed in theresearches.Secondly,the writer analyses and discusses interest and itscultivation theoretically.Thirdly, the writer combs and generalizes thecurrent situation of the cultivation of primary school students interestand the erroneous zones exist in the cultivation.Finally,in order toprovide reference for primary school students cultivation of interest ineducational practice,the writer discusses the cultivationcountermeasures of the pupils interest according to these erroneouszones. This article is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is theintroduction.The research reasons and significance, purpose andcontents,train of thought and methods as well as the difficulties andinnovations are all discussed in this chapter.The core concepts are alsodefined in it.The second chapter is the literature review.The researchstatus of interest and its cultivation both at home and abroad isdiscussed here,and the shortages exist in the researches are putforward here,too.The third chapter is about the theory of interest and itscultivation.It discusses the influence factors,classification andeducational value of interest.It talks about the connotation,basis andthe three realms of the cultivation of interest.It also treats of the badinfluence from the erroneous zones exist in the cultivation ofinterest.Chapter four refers to the current situation of the cultivation ofprimary school students interest and the erroneous zones exist in thecultivation.In this chapter,it analyses the current situation of thecultivation of primary school students interest according to the researchresults firstly.And then putts forward the erroneous zones and explainsthe origin of them.The fifth chapter is about the cultivationcountermeasures of the pupils interest.It putts forward thecountermeasures mainly from four aspects.
Keywords/Search Tags:interest, training, erroneous zone, cultivationcountermeasure
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