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The Negative Effects And Countermeasures On International Non-Governmental Organizations

Posted on:2014-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330398486516Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nowadays, the emergence and rapid development of InternationalNon-Governmental Organizations (INGO) are irresistible, which brought huge impacton political, economic and cultural life of the world, including China. Suchdevelopment comprehensively displays the major positive role of promoting socialdevelopment. At the same time, some negative effects have been appearing. INGObecomes the unstable factor to influence social stability. So we must take effectivemeasures to control negative effects of INGO.The paper take negative effects of INGO as the object of study, analyses itscausation and countermeasure, based on a large number of articles, several typicalcases, the research method will be both the empirical analysis and inductive analysis.First, the negative influences of INGO include Several aspects: It can harm thenational security of sovereign states; It can influence political stability of sovereignstates; It can destroy the country’s foundation of ruling through the ideological andcultural infiltration; It can discredit other international image; It will disturb thenormal order of International for self-serving. Second, the paper analyses the causesof negative effect of INGO. Third, according to the development and current situation,there are many problems in the the management of the government for INGO. At last,the paper based on the advanced experience of other countries, offerscountermeasures for our government and legislature to the internal and externalcauses: The government should smooth the idea of management, grasp the key linkand problems, strengthen the legislation and administration management. To realizethe benign interaction between the government and INGO, the government shouldmake sound interaction with INGO and improve self-construction to reduce theinternal reasons for negative effects. The government should put more publicity andguide INGO to be beneficial instead of being harmful, while to allow the public tocorrectly view of related problems, to found social supervision of INGO. The government should carry out targeted public diplomacy, raise INGO of ourselves andopen to the world to weaken the adverse influence of overseas INGO have on us.The paper Put forward the countermeasure and suggestion based on the theoriesof management and our national conditions, be hoping these suggestions can behelpful for the effective suppression of INGO’s negative effects, to promote thehealthy development of our social.
Keywords/Search Tags:International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGO), Negative Influences, Countermeasures
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