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Research On Legal Responsibility Of Circular Economy Promotion Law

Posted on:2012-01-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395463023Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China’s newly issued The Circular Economy Promotion Law only stipulate the promotion law by enterprise and the government as the main body of the circular economy should be legal liability, and with the administrative responsibility as the main content, involved the civil liability of the only two, in violation of the provisions set out in article55", the electric grid enterprise refuses to buy-out firms using waste heat and residual pressure, coalbed methane and gangue, coal slime, wastes low calorific value of fuel production power by the state electricity regulatory agency, shall be ordered to rectify the loss caused by enterprises; shall bear responsibility for compensation.";Article56regulation "violates the provisions of this law, has one of following action by local people’s governments, the administrative department for industry and commerce shall be ordered to make corrections within, can place5,000yuan and not more than five thousand yuan of the following amerce; if no correction, shall revoke the business license; causes losses shall be liable for damages, Involve criminal responsibility bear:in violation of the provisions in article57, if the case constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility. For citizenship responsibility, not required by law, have fewer theory research.Visible to legal liabilities of the how important the realization of the function of. The study of circular economy, not only is the responsibility of the legal system of circular economy for circular economy complement, the construction of a substantial laws. Due to the circular economy is the policy inclination promotion of circular economy, this paper law administrative legal responsibility did emphatically, and the research for civil liability and criminal liability for the application in recycling economy, preliminary understanding read set up mainly by administrative responsibility circular economy legal responsibility system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Circular economy promotion law, Circular economy, legal responsibility
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