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On China’s Circular Economy Promotion Law Of The Extended Producer Responsibility System

Posted on:2013-04-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L YouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330371989044Subject:Legal theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Faced with the severe environmental pressures increasingly, people have reflection of the theory of traditional mode of economic growth and economic development, from the simple pursuit of economic growth to expand the circle of economic development, pursuit the harmonious development of man and society. Since the1990s, many developed countries have talked about the development of recycling economy, tried to establish a recycling-based society as an important way to achieve environmental protection and coordinated economic development. Our Party and the State is aware of this, put out the development of circular economy is one of important ways to accelerate the construction of resource-saving and environment-friendly society clearly. Extended producer responsibility system is an important safeguard of the development of circular economy, can play the role of escort. Extended producer responsibility system is the producer’s responsibility extends to the entire product life cycle, especially the emphasis on product design and product recovery, recycling and other products after consumption of the responsibility, and stressed that the government, sales and people should assume their responsibilities. August29,2008through and with the January1,2009implementation of the "Circular Economy Promotion Law" more clear extended producer responsibility system. Based on the Circular Economy Promotion Law of the basic theory to study the issue from the concept of circular economy, characteristics, theories and other parts of the main sources and the responsibility to elaborate, and learn from advanced foreign experience, combined with our focus on January1,2009implementation" Circular Economy Promotion Law" extended producer responsibility system for producer responsibility requirements of the system to further study in order to promote extended producer responsibility system, improve and better implement and promote economic cycle of development, the promotion and harmonious development of society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Circular Economy Promotion Law, Extended producer responsibility, Rational orientation, Incentive mechanism, Public participation
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