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Research On The City Government’s Public Service Under The Orientation Of Improving Resident’s Happiness Index, Take Wuhan As A Sample

Posted on:2013-05-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y CengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395458725Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of china’s economy and the growing number of socialwealth, the residents’ living standard has been gradually improved. At the same time,theincreasing survival pressure and a variety of social problems caused by the rapiddevelopment of china’s economy did not make the residents live a happier life. Thisphenomenon did not matched up with our government’s governing philosophy ofbuilding a socialist harmonious society and serve people better. To solve this problem,China’s government is trying to change the development model rfom the blind pursuit ofGDP to enhancing citizen’s happiness feeling since2005.Local governments fromdifferent districts also focus on enhancing residents’ happiness index nowadays. Underthis circumstance, research on the city government’s public service under the orientationof improving resident’s happiness index has great theoretical value and practicalsignificance.Our government’s research on this mode is still in its infancy, and the related areasof research still have a lot of blank. This article selects Wuhan City which put forwardthe slogan of "Building a happiness city" in the2012as a sample, introduce thehappiness index into the government’s public Services research innovatively, analyses theproblems of the Wuhan municipal government public services through the investigationof Wuhan residents’ happiness index and give advice for optimizing the government’spublic service, which could further enrich and improve the theoretical system of thehappiness index and the government public service. On the other hand, as the first citywhich put forward the slogan of "Building a happy city",Wuhan municipal governmentneed to build up a scientific and practical happiness index measuring system to analyzeand guide the Government’s public service supply behavior. To some extent, this studycould provide reference and recommendations of how to build up a happiness indexmeasuirng system for the government, as well as optimizing the Government’s publicservice, which also has big practical significance.Thi’s article’s main line is to optimize the city governments public service under theorientation of improving resident’s happiness index. Besides the introduction, this articleconsisted by the following four parts. The ifrst part is interpretation of the relevant concepts and theoretical basis. Thispart defines the public service of the city government and the happiness index and otherrelated concepts, and introduces the theoretical basis of the new public service theory,theeconomics of happiness which guides the analyze direction of this paper.The second part is the scan analysis of the status quo of public services in WuhanCity. In this patr, the author attempts to use the happiness index measuring system toanalyze the current situation of Wuhan city public services, and then summed up thecurrent problems of the Wuhan municipal government public services.The third part is the policy recommendations. According to the existing problemspresented by the second part, the author proposes the policy recommendations ofoptimizing the city government’s public service under the orientation of improving’residents happiness index.The fourth part is the summary of this article. The part summed up the whole articleand pointed out the limitations in this study.The innovation of this paper is that the author takes Wuhan as a sample, introducesthe concept of the happiness index into the city government’s public service, which hasopened a new way in the research of government public service, and use theempirical investigation which makes the recommendations on optimizing the city publicservice became more reasonable. Since this is exploratory research, if there has anydeifciency, the author would like to ask the experts for the advices.
Keywords/Search Tags:city government public service, happiness index, optimizing strategy
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