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Marx’s Ecological Thoughts And Contemporary Value

Posted on:2013-09-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2246330395452181Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the philosophical reflection of "ecological crisis", domestic and foreign scholarsall pay attention to Marx in the expectation of finding a correct way to solve the currentecological crisis from the wisdom of Marx. What is the relationship between man andnature?How to deal with the relationship between man and nature? What revelation canMarx’s ecological thoughts provide to solve China’s ecological problems? This paperaims to put forward some ideas for solving current ecological problems according tostudy the ecological thoughts of Marx.This paper is divided into three parts.The first part traces the conditions of the emergence and development of Marx’secological thoughts and the process of development. During Marx’s age, the capitalisticmode of production brought rapidly growing wealth. At the same time, this mode ofproduction increased the contradiction between human beings and nature. All the aboveis the foundation of Marx’s ecological ideas. According to the interpretation of Marx’sclassical works in various periods, the development trace of Mars Ecological Thoughtscould be sorted clearly, thus it could be demonstrated that the Marx’s concern ofecological thoughts run through the whole philosophy.The second part mainly discusses the connotation of Marx’s ecological thoughts.The relationship between human beings and nature is the core and foundation of Marx’secological thoughts. The relationship between human beings and nature is the dialecticalunity, shown in two aspects: the humanization of nature and naturalization of humanbeings, both are unified in the practical activities of human beings. With research ofMarx coming into the stage of historical materialism, the production mode of capitalismcreated “an irreparable crack” in the production process of “metabolism” between humanbeings and nature. The elimination of the crack needed unified producer. The discussionof the connotation of Marx ecological thoughts could lay a solid theoretical foundationfor human beings to know and change the nature.The third chapter discusses the contemporary value of Marx’s ecological thoughts toour country’s ecological civilization construction in detail. Our country’s serious ecological crisis needs to be solved by ecological civilization after the reflection ofindustrial civilization.All in all, to guarantee a harmonious development of human beings and naturefrom accurately dealing with the relationship between human beings and nature on basisof practice is the starting point as well as standing point of Marx ecological thoughts.Thus the harmonious development between human beings and nature, as well as thedevelopment between human beings and the society could be achieved. The constructionof ecological civilization is the practice of Marx’s ecological thoughts in China. Theconstruction of ecological civilization also provides a theoretical guidance for theconstruction of ecological civilization in China and contributes to the harmonioussociety.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marx’s Ecological Thoughts, Metabolism, Ecological Civilization, Contemporary Value
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