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The Protection By Law Of The Mental Patients’ Rights

Posted on:2013-08-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S YuFull Text:PDF
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With the development of productive forces, our people’s living standard has been greatly improved. In the current world environment of paying close attention to generally human rights, our government has paid more attention to social equality. But long-term since, the mental patients who are living around us are making their living condition more worse. Because they do not have the normal recognition ability, comprehension ability, and can not correctly understand their behaviour.With the social transformation, the mental patient in this group number can not be belittled.A country under the rule of law of human political civilization is a big progress. As a civilized society should pay attention to the mental patients, and legal protection for mental patients is very important. Perfect law can not only as a mental patient’s life to provide the most powerful protection, but also can promote social equity and justice to form the good atmosphere.The mental patient rights protection by law’s theoretical support from utilitarianism and theory to provide equal rights. Utilitarianism from psychotic patients get maximum benefits angle to explain the protection of mental patients: deontology can the social attention to social vulnerable groups point of view to explain the protection of mental patients’rights. Equal rights from the psychiatric patient as people should enjoy the basic right to explain.This article from the legislation principle of mental patient protection, Through the analysis, the author tries to further clarify the social, national, medical institutions and family responsibilities for mental patients. The current system of compulsory medical treatment are discussed, some suggestions for perfecting the mental patient rights law protection system point of view. At this stage."Mental Health Law (Draft)" should be respected. protected and Realized of mental patients’rights should be regarded as the most fundamental value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mental Patients’ Rights, Law, Protection
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