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On The Cyber Crime Prevention

Posted on:2013-11-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LuFull Text:PDF
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Since the1990s, with the vigorous development of computer technology andnetwork technology, the individual computer gradually developed from simple dataprocessing and data connection into a network consist of voluminous data andboundless information space, the virtual real-time and extensive contact alreadyexceeded the significance of the computer itself, we call this virtual space of thenetwork society. At present, most of the world have carried out a network ofinformation transformation, and has penetrated into all walks of life, become anintegral part of our social life. Though the network have already got rapiddevelopment with the technology, we ignored the supervision of the network.Because of the excessive technological development and the lagging law relative tothe society, the network appears lots of flaws. And the cyber crime swoop lots ofharm to society.As of2010, the number of Chinese netizens reached404million; Internetpenetration rate reached28.9percent, above the world average, the use of mobileInternet user reached233million people. Contrast, China has become second behindthe United States, a global network of the highest crime rate among the countries. InChina, the research of cyber crime is reality and urgency.To research cyber crime, the first perspective should stand in the network society,rather than the individual’s computer. The virtual, extensive and real-time contactmake the potential victim and the consequences of the cybercrime in a particularstate.The specific conditions of time and space of the cyber crime makes the networksociety form a new field of crime, the network of social crime field. At present,China’s criminal law still in the level of individual adjustment about the cyber rime,that is mainly focused on the individual ‘s computer information system and itsstorage, transport, security of data, without great importance to the network society,this particular virtual social space. Even if the access network equipment, not just computer, many related equipment have the function of the access network, cybercrime ways is greatly increased. The network society is the idea that we should injectthe issue of cyber crime.Special social space, there must be special criminals and crime patterns. Hackersis active on the network a special group, they often became the groups or alliances,and holds the world’s most advanced network technology, has a strong networkdestructive, and even make the network of the national government, defense and otherimportant sectors paralyzed. Some hackers on the network trafficking network viruses,Trojan horses, formed a special interest chain. In fact, hackers are not heinoussaboteurs, some only to the technical challenges for amusement, how to distinguishbetween treatment and guidance, let the master network technology talent for thebenefit of society, rather than to carry out cyber crime, we have to discuss importantissues. Internet pornography crime is a malignant tumor in the network society,although it is only with relatively simple technical means exist in the network, such asInternet chat rooms, online communities, online forums and other forms, but itpoisoned many young people so that they neglect their studies, making progress, evena life of crime. To curb online pornography crime, it is imperative.The online game is developed as the Internet and emerging industries, low-inputhigh return high profits, the huge market of China’s network industry, domestic andforeign online games business in droves, the social problems brought about by theonline game but can not be overlooked. Online games to attract players, often in thegame into violence, killing, pornography, etc. with the contents of the negative factors,China’s online game market and many countries in Europe and the United States asthe implementation of the game by age classification system makes a lot of youngpeople on the network prematurely over-exposure to bad information, distorted valuesin the game. Criminal offense caused by online games this year upward trend, it isworth our vigilance.Network operators, network builders of society, but also hold the first hurdle ofthe network security. Of course, precisely because of the greed of many networkoperators, lack of industry self-regulation, only opened its doors to the proliferation ofInternet pornography crime and cyber games. Countries not only need to strengthen the regulation of network operators, network operators need more supervision andstrengthen the industry self-regulation and adjustment, so that the master networksecurity key first tightly keeping guard at the door of the network society.The network society is a gathering place for social and cultural life, flourishinghigh-speed transmission of information to the talent of the Internet users on thenetwork. However, due to the network society freshmen soon, do not have a strongregulatory, but also the lack of mainstream culture guide, network society, the gradualemergence of the negative sub-culture trends, and network social ethics vaguetendency. Social network to connect with hundreds of millions of Internet users, ishighly sensitive to the network media, and their cultural information often will thecommunity have a subtle influence of. Especially young Web surfers in the moment,China’s Internet users are mostly a lot of negative sub-culture is not only detrimentalto the growth of young people physical and mental health, directly or indirectly leadto crime problems.In summary, the study of cyber crime becomes necessary.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cyber Crime, Prevention, The Network Society
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