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And Line And See

Posted on:2014-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z XuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis is a theoretical explanation of the individual works of art creative practice. Through the core concept of the creative practice of my graduation work 《walking and viewing》, discusses how to individuals, practical activities of daily life translate into a form of painting. The article discusses about the analysis of individuals’ aimless "walking" in the city, and behavior behind the thinking logic clues to give a further explanation of the importance of the emotions brewing before painting based on the personal experience, material collected, and the formation of the concept. It eventually provides the evidence for artistic creation, concept formation and the establishment of the presentation. The "Walking" process includes not only the real life experience of creator, also includes the creator’s exploration of cognitive and spiritual dimensions of the real world. Reactions to the specific creation are the improvements and poetic transformations of the purpose of "walking" behavior by the creator’s own knowledge systems; and transform the personal perceptual experiences into art works which are acceptable from audience. Through the elaborate explanation of the painting practical process to let audience have a better understanding of the thinking clues which are hiding behind the work; and provide some evidences of viewing methods.
Keywords/Search Tags:aimless, walking, life practice, painting, creation, viewing
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