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The Historical Context Of Ancient Greek And Roman Sculpture

Posted on:2013-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S L HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330395990448Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The period of ancient Greece and Rome culture and Hebrew culture have been recognized as the two largest source of western culture by the academic session, and produce far-reaching effect to the world culture. Also, the sculpture art in this period is one of the classics of cultural types. The height, in later in the course of the development of sculpture art, and even in modern civilization highly developed today, is also unattainable. About this period of sculpture art research, Chinese and Western scholars published writings, papers can be used to describe a number of extremely, but most are focusing on the ontology of art. Seventeen eighth Century’s western scholars, starting from a broader view of culture history of the art of this period phenomenon analysis. These scholars, such as Hegel, Danner and Spengler waffling, etc. in this respect made outstanding achievements. However, these scholars are from big cultural history perspective on this historical period is analyzed and explained, and subject to the laws of art itself to a cognitive approach. As Hegel in symbolic form of art, classical art and the romantic art of art an overall classification, and elaborated the Greek Rome time sculpture art as classical art characteristics. Hegel pointed out that compared to architecture and sculpture, sculpture" in classical art as its basic types", And that "only in carving, inner things first to reveal its eternal serenity and essentially self-contained"; Danner opined that "the material civilization and the spiritual civilization nature outlook depends on race, age, environment of three big factors"; Spengler argues that any form of culture has its own life cycle," passed its childhood, youth, adults and older", and ultimately to death, thus completing the cycle, towards a new cultural form. In view of the history of culture to the art, in recent years more and more by many art historians’attention. But overall, going deep into the historical context to describe this period sculpture development some subtle changes seem to be not enough. The author of this article attempts to make such an effort:From ancient Greece and Rome during the period of some specific instances to see the various factors on the impact of Greek culture, and these effects in the sculpture has a kind of reflection. And during this period of sculpture art draw such a conclusion:the ancient Greek Rome carving art is a form and content is ceaseless and rich, but in the gradual loss of the pious religious belief emotional process.Many art historians to the previous stages of analysis, this paper highlights is pay more attention to the specific historical context and carving schema and the possibility of changes of correspondence analysis. Trying to vividly reflects this period of sculpture art in the generation and development process of the difficult journey. Of course, this paper will not only broad history context, but further to the life of the specific situation to explore, to show a clear history of ancient Greece and Rome sculpture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Historical context, The period of ancient Greece and RomeCarving, Rheology
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