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Milariba Song Research

Posted on:2013-01-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J D Z DuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330395969009Subject:Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
It is known that Tibetans are very keen to songs and dancing. Although abundant of melodious songs and fascinating dancing performs have emerged in the course of time in Tibetan societies, the masterpiece of a famous Tibetan ideologist and poet named Milarepa is overwhelming. He wrote many classical and religious songs which called ’mgru’ in Tibetan. His writing is outstanding among other well-known songs since it remains his own unique religious ideas and enlightment.Milarepa was a Tibetan yogi and scholar with a high reputation in the mid eleventh century. His writing was very welcomed by lay-men as it reflected many aspects of ordinary life with a fascinating and unique style of poesy. Many Tibetan scholars composed various contents of religious songs following Milarepa’s style, but his own writing is surpassing in both language and content. Therefore his’mgur’or writings play a significant role in the Tibetan literature, though there aren’t many books describing his unique writing style. He had pioneered a complete new writing style in the field of Tibetan poetry. His songs or’mgur’consists of various aspects of life from a Tibetan Buddhist’s perspective. It bears an invaluable contribution in Tibetan literature. Therefore, I found it very useful and meaningful to do a further research on his writing since it had already made its own history in Tibetan literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:The songs, of Milarepa
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