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The Agricultural Mission Of Apples And Grapes

Posted on:2013-12-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330395960374Subject:Historical Theory and History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the first chapter introduces the way of Catholic and Protestant missionary similarities and differences. Missionaries and foreign to analyze the relationship between crops, before the first Opium War, the exchange of Western plants are also showing a trend of two-way communication, so why then in Europe and America to degenerate into one-way export to China? Perhaps only the missionary back way of the Missionaries in China and the relationship between plants, under the perspective of nineteenth-century Protestant missionaries in colonial strong missionary strategy shift eastward to see the Western crops and religious, political, complex relationship between.The second highlight the main activities of the Nevius Western missionaries in Shangtung area, combing the Nevius to overcome the difficulties introduced into the Western fruit trees Jiaodong region and practice the concept of agricultural missionary.The third chapter describe the the Zhangyu company’s development and the relationship between Jiaodong region gardening industry, which outlines the course of development of the western fruit trees in the Jiaodong region.The fourth chapter discusses the Western fruit trees and rapid expansion in the Jiaodong region and continues to this day motivation and impact. Route the carding Western spread of fruit trees in Shandong, Yantai and Shandong focus of the inspection, outline Modern Arboriculture brought the whole picture of agricultural innovations, including agriculture publicity, research institutions of agricultural education and agricultural industrialization development trajectory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Missionary, The Western fruit trees, Western apples, Western grapesPropagate
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