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Chongqing Art Talent Research Present Situation And Construction

Posted on:2013-10-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2245330395455102Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Previously, almost all the people regarded the art industry simply as entertainment, not a kind of art or the productivity; considered art as culture department work, not as an important part of comprehensive national strength. This conservative mind often taken art talent for granted, and the development was rather slow. Along with the economic development after Chongqing directly under the central government, the people get rich, life is also colorful, the role of art talent is gradually evident. Coupled with variety of the cultural revitalization policy comes on stage in the central and the local government, the demand and the standard for the art gradually improving, the training and arrangement of the art personnel also rose to a new level.Chongqing’s art talents have certain base, produced a lot of masters, such as:the leader of Chongqing City Opera Institute, vice-chairman of Chinese drama association Shen Tiemei, President of Sichuan Fine Art Institute, chairman of Chongqing Artists Association Luo Zhongli, chairman of Chongqing Photographers’Association Feng Jianxin. It also produced a lot of famous masterpieces, such as:"gold","Wushan goddess","Jin Dahua" and so on, more than1000pieces of works. It also won many awards, such as:the international gold medal, silver, National Mandarin Awards, the National "Five Project" Awards, China Art Festival and other various awards581.However, there are many problems to be solved in Chongqing art personnel, such as shortage of basic unit leading group exists, crisis of faultage, not neat and lean team,"short leg" phenomenon and so on. These phenomena are the need for targeted research and explore the solutions. As the saying goes,"know yourself as well as the enemy battle", only reality can better analyze the reasons, the establishment of countermeasures, to accelerate the formation of Chongqing culture to adapt to the development of art talent team, improve the whole level of Chongqing city culture talents, so as to realize the cultural prosperity.This paper mainly from the following aspects and puts forward the countermeasure of talent team construction in art:First of all, develop art talent development strategy. Art talent team to develop overall train of thought:"overall, grip ends, establish a mechanism, and increase investment, building heights". Implentment the "implementation of100propaganda、 culture、sanitation、sports talents and non-party personage cultivation plan" and the "basic level talent team construction project" and the implementation of art talent backbone training plan in the implementation of "Chongqing city in the long-term talent development plan (2010-2020)". Study and formulate the "Chongqing art talent introduction policies","Chongqing city art talent construction planning" and a series of talent introduction policy, improve the personnel training mechanism, construction of talents training of art and communication integration service personnel management system. Strengthen the art market management, improve market rules, improve market access and withdrawal mechanism. Take appropriate measures such as competition, introduction, neat, with strong art of leading group of unit of directly under. Improve the cultural administrative unit of government personnel, art talent of business management of enterprise, art professional technical personnel exchanges and training system for sending, establish and improve the vocational school and vocational low retainer and complementary approaches. The establishment of special fund for the construction of art talents, fostering art talents, and the introduction of incentives. The establishment of the society, the employer and individual diversity to throw a mechanism, as well as the annual salary system, salary agreement project and a variety of modes of distribution. Advancing the art industry each unit to the reform of social security system, to establish endowment insurance and medical insurance as the focus of the social security system. Development of intellectual property impawn financing, business loans and other methods, improve support high-level art talent business financial services. Through the development of art professional technology to create regulations, clear rights, improve the main creative with benefit ratio. Patent technology transfer platform, perfect non-material cultural heritage protection of intellectual property rights related measures. Establish and improve the benefit of intellectual property protection in the social credit system. To encourage the development of intermediary institutions, employing both with art talent information, promote talent flow, talent for art communication and used to build a wider bridge and link.Second, to improve the educational and training mode. Promote creating a composite art management system in the university. Found the Chongqing art research base of innovation and development, funded by the government. Integrating the teacher’s resources and the theoretical foundation, from the reality of Chongqing, to study the cultured measures about the art talents and the developmental direction of art in Chongqing. We need set up the undergraduate majors, just like the management of Art Talent, the postgraduate professionals, such as the Innovation and Development of Local Art, the cultivation about innovative art talents. We should train and reserve a number of art talented managing backbone, the experts of art talents and the art talents theorists as a result, the art talents will not only know about art, but also understand the management."Make a variety of use of one-station, resource sharing". We can borrow four aided teaching platforms in distance education:TV platform, network platforms, mobile phone platform, site platform for training talents of art. At last, we will achieve the goal of letting the arts education enter into the villages and households, and solid the construction of grass-rooted artistic persons.At last, create comfortable environment of exchanging and learning. Establish a mechanism of the personnel exchange with provinces and cities in which the art developments is relatively advanced and developed. Explore developing the platform of interchange exercise and take a temporary post, expand the learning and exchanging platform. Encourge the art talents outside the city to work for Chongqing via technology shares, intellectual property shares, contract management, cooperative development and consultants. Organizing art talenst to other provinces and cities for foreign study. Clearing mechanism of art talents’exchange in enterprises, organs and institutions. Training persons on multi-functional positions.Art talent team is the main force of culture talents, culture talent team is the important front army of the socialist modernization of our country, as the outstanding delegate in the field of culture, outstanding art talent should take on the important task, at the forefront, make demonstration, let the culture talents strengthen the quality awareness, play a leading role in the creation of the spiritual and cultural products which have high quality and high taste. Diligently learn, good at accumulating, concentrating on writing, keep improving, leave behind contemporary Chongqing’s glorious imprinting by more ideological and artistic ornamental unified fine works. A study of Chongqing art talent to lay culture talent base, build a cultural talent team which is advertise people’s production and life more, perform ordinary people’s spiritual world more, do more real things for masses and do more good deeds, and speak for the people better, sing for the people and make profit for people, thereby promote the development and prosperity of Chongqing culture better and faster, build the strong socialist cultural city.
Keywords/Search Tags:art talent, current situation, construction
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